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  1. K

    Which Guide Book?

    I really like the Unofficial Guide To WDW. I used it last year when planning our trip and it was so helpful and interesting to read (lots of stories, experiences from people). It's great because it has a lot of information for adults with no kids. There are these awesome touring plans you can...
  2. K

    The best bar at WDW?

    While I haven't been to that many of the bars, I really enjoyed the bar above the Flying Fish--maybe it's the Boardwalk Villas Bar?? We went up there to wait for our PS at Flying Fish. It was very quiet and actually quite romantic--if that is what you're looking for-we sat on the verandah and...
  3. K

    Are You 2nd Generation?

    2nd Generation I, like a lot of the other people on this thread, did not go to WDW (or FL for that matter) until I was 19-and then only because my sister & I had a dancing competition in Orlando. I don't know if it was $$ or lack of interest by my parents (probably both). The trip when I was...
  4. K

    pizza delivery

    Pizza When we at the BC last October we ordered Dominoes. We had gotten in late (midnight) and thought pizza would be great while we unpacked. I think it arrived about 1:30-I had fallen asleep. We had to pick it up in the lobby (very long walk). We ordered hamburger & onion and it was ham &...
  5. K

    Beach Club Villas Construction

    Thanks so much for the info, Married@WDW!! I am very excited about going. I went once in high school, once last year and now have the trip planned in September. My husband & I had the greatest time last year. I never realized how fun WDW would be as an adult. Thanks again.
  6. K

    Beach Club Villas Construction

    Has anyone heard how the construction is going? When is it slated to open? Last I heard was Aug 1, 2002. We have just made reservations for early September and I am a little concerned, knowing how construction is usually delayed. Has anyone else had to change resorts due to construction...
  7. K

    All-Star Resorts discounts???

    All Star Discounts I did see rates of $59 a night for the All Star Resorts on both and I think that these dates were for mostly October and some November dates. However, I just checked on a couple of October dates and none of the good rates are there anymore ($59...
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