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  1. C

    Celebrate Anniversary?

    Awesome Thanks everyone. Who should I tell that it is our anniversary? The travel agent? The ADR people when I call? This is our 1st trip to WDW and I really am not sure. Thanks so much for the advice!!!!:sohappy:
  2. C

    Celebrate Anniversary?

    Our anniversary is Oct. 9th, and our trip is Oct. 29. Is it to late to celebrate at WDW? If not, any suggestions on how to celebrate it there? Thanks!:sohappy:
  3. C

    Too early for Oct/Nov roll call ??

    1st Trip We are going for our first trip ever from Oct. 29th-Nov 5th. We are so excited. I just keep planning!!!! Any tips? Would be okay to celebrate our anniversary (Oct.9th) there during our trip? Or is 3 weeks too much time before the trip?:wave:
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