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  1. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    So you are tried of the Spirit Sycophants? Also if no children are allowed to post then you would not be allowed to post. Sorry child.
  2. T

    Disney Buying LucasFilm! WHOA

    Its official now...disney and lucasfilm have made the announcement that J.J. Abrams will direct Star Wars
  3. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Such valid and important Yeah it is so important for a congressman to know why Disney wants to know what products people buy? That evil mouse.
  4. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Im not doing anything wrong. The tin foil brigade on the other hand....
  5. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    I guess i should feel bad for you but I dont. I mean children have an excuse to be so devoid of logic, rational thought, or common sense. You on the other hand are just actively dimwitted. Also you are a proud delusional person.
  6. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    My Job gives me some amazing PTO days so i can turn that weekend into a week long vacation if I wanted too
  7. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Is he Bob Iger? Tom Staggs? He has no knowledge of it besides what has been told by the cult leader Spirit
  8. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Some one has some serious issues. I am glad i am reporting everyone of your post little Tin Foil Drummer Boy
  9. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Well seeing as he is ranting about something he has no knowledge of. Is crying about how evil the datamining is. And other nonsensical rants I have a right to call him out on it. Never said he was a bad parent though, and will never say that.
  10. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    I have had In-N-Out, i went to one in Arizona before going to the Fiesta Bowl this year. What is Tommy's? And yeah i am thinking about adding on a few days at DLR, my free weekend does not work at a Disney resort
  11. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    So amazing looking. I won a free weekend vacation from work and i was thinking of using it to go to LA....i am officially heading to Pinks now. Thanks for the info and photo
  12. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    True they are not in the same level...but they also see way more foot traffic and more guests so it make sense is logical that they should be able to book reservations far in advance. In general, families book trips to WDW atleast 1 year in advance. In general, families book trips to other...
  13. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    It sounds bad but the fries taste amazing, you get subtle hints of duck in each bite.
  14. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Its funny how when I was a child we used to never have to tell our parents where we were going, how late we were staying out, etc. and nothing happened to us and and we grew up to be productive members of society. And how now kids are so sheltered that they are failing to make in the real world...
  15. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Empty Tables cannot always be filled. Short Staffing is a big problem they need to work on
  16. T

    Congress Questions Next Gen

    Im still waiting for the proof that Disney will track all out movements and use it to stalk us.
  17. T

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Pink's is on my Bucket List. I have never heard a bad review about them, wait not included.
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