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  1. L

    If you were at WDW right now, what would you be doing?

    I'd be hitting on the Brazilian girls :i
  2. L

    Fighting At Disney World

    Not like a real fight, but still was a lot of fun... My and my 2 cousins were sitting at the cafeteria thingy in norway (we spend most of our time in Epcot there because it's almost like back in Denmark, and we can speak Danish with the employees there), and just chilling, having a coke and so...
  3. L


    Wow, nice post Edward.. i didnt know all of that.. That's cool stuff =D thanks for sharing :P
  4. L

    Brazil Tour Groups

    The statements made on here are so hypocritical and self-contradicting sometimes.. Do you really think they act this way because of a lack of understanding american norms/culture? I guess so, because that's what you just said.. But tell me, do you honestly think a group of 50+ american...
  5. L

    An unpleasent experience

    I mentioned it simply because that was one of the things i remembered. People should stop being so paranoid whenever a racial group is mentioned in random contexts. If i had said "They had black hair", that wouldnt be an attack against black haired people either, just a detail for people to...
  6. L

    An unpleasent experience

    Well, the "small guy" (note: a 15 year old) was the first one to try, so it wasnt like it was aimed directly at him, or like i was cutting him off from his group.. He tried to cut the line, and his father stepped in to protect his sons behaviour when i blocked the way, basicaly. And since i'm...
  7. L

    An unpleasent experience

    I was in line for the Safari ride in Animal Kingdom today with my friends and family, and (as some of you may know) the queue-area is pretty disorganized at times.. There was this family of 5 mexican-americans, a huge dad, his wife and 3 teenage sons.. They were line cutting all the time, and...
  8. L

    Brazil Tour Groups

    The difference is that these groups are not arranged by the schools, they are arranged by "third party" traveling agencies, and they are expensive. I can only guess why some of them decides to go in 1 large group (the majority split up into lesser groups, which is why you only notice the large...
  9. L

    I successfully stoped a group of line cutters!!!

    When i was in the queue for Rock 'n' Roller, there was a guy who looked like a bodybuilder, who managed to keep a party of 20-25 from line-jumping to their 5 friends. I had so much respect for that guy =D
  10. L

    Brazil Tour Groups

    I was in Downtown Disney last night, and there were tons of South American tours there.. They wore "normal" clothes this time, and no matching t-shirts, and as soon as they split up into lesser groups you didnt really notice them, as they acted exactly like the other american groups of...
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    Brazil Tour Groups

    I's obvious to see that the ideas and views you present comes from a young mans mind, Innoventions, and i feel you a bit.. We were 4 16-17 year old guys when we went there a week ago, and we had A LOT of fun with them too, but if you see through the eyes of a family traveling there they can be...
  12. L

    Brazil Tour Groups

    I must say that they DO break into smaller groups most of the time, but there are always 3-4 major groups walking around, and those are the ones people notice, and judge them all by.
  13. L

    Brazil Tour Groups

    I think people are overreacting quite a bit.. You're turning it into some kind of major issue, even though it should only be a minor annoyance when you go to Disneyworld. Disneyworld has always been a huge mix of different cultures and people. You're making it an issue directed towards...
  14. L

    Brazil Tour Groups

    Hey guys! My first post here, but i actually started this account just to discuss the subject of South American tour groups in WDW - Since i've had some rather alternative interaction with them compared to most regular guests, i thought i'd share some knowledge/expiriences/insight :) My Dad said...
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