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    I know there has been a lot of discussion about leaving from the New England region but any advice on flying in? We leave tomorrow and return to VT on Monday night. My husband and I are trying to decide whether or not to just stay another night in Disney or just chance it and hope we don't get...
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    January 2011 roll call....

    36 days until our honeymoon at WL...can't wait!!:sohappy:
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    DME or town car

    I am having the same problem trying to decide between the town car and DME. My fiance and I are going in January for our honeymoon and we booked the town car through Disney for the ride to the resort and DME on the way back. I am not sure who the service is through, I only know we pay Disney and...
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    Are you a WDW Honeymooner????

    My fiance and I are going on our honeymoon in January! We are staying at the Wilderness Lodge for a week. We have never stayed anywhere else except for Animal Kingdom and Never gone with out the whole family so we are both so excited:sohappy:
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    Trademark issues...

    The t-shirts are a really good idea! I'm sure you will be fine with the whole trademark issue. What did you finally decide on for a design? :)
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    Kidani village savanna views

    Thank you for the advise. We called Member service and requested Sunset savanna. Hopefully, they will be able to fulfill it. We will see.
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    Kidani village savanna views

    I am new to these forums and I am sorry if someone already posted a thread similar to mine. We have ressies for Kidani village and were wondering were the best savanna view is and how we go about asking for a particular location in the resort. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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