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  1. J

    Poor DAK! Recent Trip Observations

    darn where are the kangaroos!? i knew i my quick animal kingdom trips would make me miss something important!
  2. J

    Top Tips!!!

    lots of posts recommend packs. my tip is to go bag-less whenever possible since there is a huge mob trying to get through the "bag check" area (particularly in front of magic kingdom, the other parks aren't bad). my dad would kill me if i ever made him wait in that line because i brought a...
  3. J

    Avatar and EPCOT?

    there already is an avatar attraction - the pocahontas part of fantasmic :)
  4. J

    Poor DAK! Recent Trip Observations

    i think people are pretty grossly exaggerating the "decline" of animal kingdom. my only critiques of the park are that dinosaur isn't called countdown to extinction anymore and that there really isn't a TON of stuff to do like you really never need to spend more than a few hours there unless it...
  5. J

    Poor DAK! Recent Trip Observations

    i was wondering about that river across the walkway! I kind of thought it smelled a little bathroom-ish but I assumed it was some sort of intentional sprinkler effect or something! When I went on KS last week the bridge didn't move and it was awkward because the driver made a huge deal about the...
  6. J

    Splash Mountain

    the new painting looks really really good, as well as the new lighting. there are no lap bars and the ride didn't smell bad at all! i always thought the rubber hand things smelled really bad and they definitely didn't this time. when i went on tuesday there was absolutely no line around noon...
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