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  1. M

    Longest Commute

    We also drive from Connecticut. We leave at 6:30 in the evening and drive until middle of Virginia before hitting a hotel. This way the New York traffic isn't that bad and make better time at night.
  2. M

    Longest Commute

    It takes about 21 hours for us. That's with stopping to eat and pit stops. I am terrified to fly:( . Thank God for an understanding hubby.
  3. M

    Disney- MGM studios VS Universal Studios Florida

    I have to go with Universal. Terminator, Men in Black, Twister, they are great attractions. I like MGM too, and Fantasmic is wonderful. We now split up our vacation time between Disney and Universal. And you can't be front of the line access when you stay at one of the Universal Hotels...
  4. M

    Do Meal Vouchers Offer Real Savings?

    We do mostly counter food. Also, with the nicer restaurants, I go for lunch instead of dinner because the same meal is a few $$ less at lunch.
  5. M

    A Way To Get Many Fastpasses!

    If someone asked me for my fastpass, even if I wasn't going to use it, I would tell them to "Bite Me!" :mad: If I'm not going on that ride, I get the fastpass for my DH or DD so they can go on twice. If they don't want it, then I just give it to someone of MY choosing.
  6. M

    disneys lost and found........

    I lost a camera on Star Wars and it was returned that day. My understanding about lost and found is that if an item is not claimed within a certain time period, the person that brought it to them get to keep it. I read this in the Unofficial Guide a few years ago.
  7. M

    Advantages of a SUMMER Trip to WDW

    1. Typhoon Lagoon & Blizzard Beach; and 2. Excuse to stop at Beaches and Cream every night of your visit.
  8. M

    July or August???

    Hi - The crowds are a good size the first week of Aug. Last year was not ordinary, very low attendance. This year with the Fairytale Package I think it will be full most of the time. Every year I use the Unofficial Guide Touring Plan and it has never failed me no matter how crowed it is...
  9. M

    How's WDW Coronado Springs Resort?????

    I have a lot of cousins. To be honest I don't know where most of them are. If you have a name, I could tell you.
  10. M

    How's WDW Coronado Springs Resort?????

    Your not kidding. We live in Naugatuck, not to far from you.
  11. M

    Emeril's, is it worth it?

    We have never eaten there, but I read a trip report awhile back and they did not like Emeri's. Hope that helps.
  12. M

    Beach Club Resort???

    We love the BC. The pool is the best at any of the resorts. Every night before going to our room we would stop and Beaches and Cream for a sundae. I figured with all the walking I did every day I was burning off those calories :lol: .
  13. M

    How's WDW Coronado Springs Resort?????

    I agree with everything you said. Our room was so far away from everything, including the pool, I hated it. I also love POR. For me, theming has a lot to do with my choice of resort. I would not stay CS again.
  14. M

    July or August???

    We have always gone the first week in August. I believe FL kids are already back at school at that time. We have gone to the parks early, especially when they have early entry (didn't last year) and then head to TL or the pool. Last year we stayed at the BC and the pool there was so great...
  15. M

    AKL/YC questions

    This year I wanted to stay at AKL got out voted. We are staying at the Beach Club. This is the only resort we have stayed at twice, I like to try a new resort each visit. My family decided on BC again because of 1. location; and 2. pool. I have to say I do love the pool and being able to...
  16. M

    Tentative August trip

    We will arrive at the Beach Club on August 2nd :D. It's all I can think about.
  17. M

    Test track broke while we were on it!

    Can anyone say whiplash :lol:
  18. M

    Coronado vs. Port Orleans Riverside

    I so agree! I've stayed at CS, POR, CB & POR gets my vote.
  19. M

    I-95 and I-4 construction

    Thank you so much. I printed your directions and am taking them with us.:D
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