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  1. B

    Breakfast or Lunch at Cinderella's Royal Table

    I have been once to the castle for breakfast and am looking forward to it again for breakfast on our upcoming trip. I think every character meal leaves you feeling a little rushed to get out of there - but we always found that they never forced us out the door if we took our time. I love...
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    Which ADR's should I book first?

    When we booked our upcoming trip, I was shocked by how hard it was even at 90 day out. I found it REALLY hard to book our first night because so many people are booking 90 days and then for their entire trip (so 94 days or so). So our first night had to be at someplace that isn't usually...
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    Which ADR's should I book first?

    Tomorrow goes back to the 180 ADR window. It is going to be crazy. Good luck! B
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    Tipping While on Dining Plan

    We pay for everything on our room key while on our trip - purchases, tips, extras, etc. This keeps everything really organized so that at the end of our trip we know exactly how much we spent while on vacation. This helps us to plan future trip budgets. B
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    Best bang for your meal?

    Counter Service - Earl of Sandwich (Downtown Disney) Buffet or family style- Whispering Canyon Cafe (Wilderness Resort) Table Service- 50s Prime Time Cafe (Hollywood Studios) VERY HARD! B
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    Taking three kids ages 4, 2 & 2 : Am I getting in over my head?

    You can definitely do it. Disney is made for kids and even if they are young - it is magical to watch them see Disney for the first time. My advice to you is simple (this is how my husband and I don't go insane on our vacations with 2 under 4): 1. Plan in advance. 2. Remember that your...
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    Spirit of Aloha question!

    We just had the same problem. I had booked the Spirit of Aloha and breakfast at Cinderella's Castle online and my husband informed me that BOTH were billed to my card - and we are on the dining plan. So I called Disney to change it. The first time I called, the lady told me that it wasn't...
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