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  1. S

    Scooters and Buses and Waiting, Oh My!

    before this thread gets locked i would just like to say yes there are a lot of scooters at disney and they can be a problem but YOU and I may need one someday and we will be glad we can still enjoy our favorite place.even if we have health issues.
  2. S

    For all the people that LOVE to complain...

    I'll be there in 3 weeks. Thanks for sharing about your great day! Makes me look forward to my trip more than ever. :kiss:
  3. S

    What Ride would you replace ?

    Honey, I Shrunk the Audience -the movie is so old i bet some kids have never seen it
  4. S

    How Many More Days For You (Part 3)

    Only 35 more days for me:animwink:
  5. S

    crowds in Feb?

    Does anyone know how crowded it is in Feb. the weekend of the 20th we only have 3 days and we want to do as much as possible.
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