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  1. baby1disney

    Just found this out!!!! is now selling WDW/DL park merchandise!!! It's not a whole lot right now, but they have autograph books, photo albums, toys, etc. I think it's really worth checking out!!!:D:sohappy::sohappy: Here's the link: I'm soooo excited about this!!!
  2. baby1disney

    What Grinds Your Gears At the Parks?

    This is SOOOO not true!! I work for a non-profit agency and we deal with a lot of people with all sorts of disabilities. Being overweight, addicted to either alcohol or drugs, having multiple personalities, or whatever the case may be, is NOT something to be taken light of!!! I have members in...
  3. baby1disney

    What Grinds Your Gears At the Parks?

    I guess the only two things that I can think of would be 1) when the kids act better than the parents!!!:ROFLOL:On my trip this past March, my whole family agreed that we had no problems with the kids was the adults!!:lol: The kids I ran into always said excuse me, thank you, may I...
  4. baby1disney

    Guess the attraction from the script

    Would that be stitch's great escape?:shrug:
  5. baby1disney

    Randy Pausch plaque

    The world needs more people like Randy!! I cried soo hard when he died!! I'm even getting misty eyed thinking about it now:( He was truly a great man and will be sorely missed!!! On a side note, I wonder if his family gets free lifetime visits to Disney and their resorts for stays???:shrug...
  6. baby1disney

    The best movie during the Disney Renaissance: Your Vote

    I voted for The Lion King because it's my favorite movie!! I can recite the whole movie pretty much word for word:ROFLOL:!! To the point, DH just looks at me and starts shaking his head!!!:rolleyes: I think Lion King sends a message in alot of different ways. Acceptance, loyalty, family...
  7. baby1disney

    For all the people that LOVE to complain...

    I'm not using agent86 as an "average poster". I was simply backing up what I said about people being rude on this thread. Believe me, I know people can be rude!!! I'm sure they weren't specifically talking to me when they posted that, but alot of things I was saying portrayed what this poster...
  8. baby1disney

    For all the people that LOVE to complain...

    kcnole, this is what I was talking about. (Sorry if I spelled your name wrong!! I'm going off of memory!!) To me, that's just rude, unless I'm taking it the wrong way. Maybe someone can explain it to me. But just because I or others may not "totally" understand Disney, doesn't mean that we don't...
  9. baby1disney

    For all the people that LOVE to complain...

    Since it seems like certain poster(s) like to pick on me so much, I'm going to say this: I'm going to agree to disagree. Some of you are getting way into it and are starting to be rude and it's getting ugly. I have my opinion and you have yours. Not once have I stated that anyone on here was...
  10. baby1disney

    For all the people that LOVE to complain...

    Agent86--No. I don't think that out of the blue people started to line up and complain about WDW. I know that there are some things that are going downhill, as people on here like to say. BUT, all I'M saying is that sometimes people complain a lil too much!!! I think that there's a BIG...
  11. baby1disney

    For all the people that LOVE to complain...

    I understand, but it's just getting to be a little too much lately...on ALL of the boards. I'm not saying that you have to ignore it, but instead of complaining here one the boards, take it to the people that really matter--the CM's, VP's, Pres, whoever at Disney. They're not going to hear it...
  12. baby1disney

    For all the people that LOVE to complain...

    Wow. Is all I can say to you, Sir. I don't know why I even bother posting sometimes.:brick: I know Disney ignores things sometimes and that things don't get fixed right away. I never said that they do it overnight or within that week. All I was TRYING to relay is that Disney is a company...
  13. baby1disney

    For all the people that LOVE to complain...

    I totally agree with this!!!! Disney is a HUUUGGEEE company as we all know that. If something goes wrong and they recieve complaints about it, don't think for one nano second that they go unheard or read. They do take the time to go over all of them. They even have the complaints sorted out...
  14. baby1disney

    There is no attendance problem at WDW

    Well, I'm hoping that when we go, it won't be so bad!!!! going the week of March 7th-15th!!! 39 days to go!!!! WOOHOO!!!!:D:lol::D:lol::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:
  15. baby1disney

    Monsters, Inc. Hollywood Studios rumor

    My husband has been talking about Disney adding a Pixar park for the longest at DHS. I thought it would be a good idea, too since Pixar is getting sooo big now. If they keep making these movies the way they do and how super they are, they might have to build an entire park just for...
  16. baby1disney

    Your idea for the next WDW restaurant?????

    I'm thinkin they should do a Pixar restaurant at DHS. I think the boys would especially love it!!!:wave: A lil something from each movie: seafood(Nemo), french cuisine(Ratatouille), etc. That could even be a buffet because of the many choices one would have. Or maybe a restaurant where you...
  17. baby1disney

    Disney Stock....

    Thank you!!!!:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy: I was just thinking the same thing!!! I do know how to Google!! I just wanted to get other peoples' opinion!!!
  18. baby1disney

    Disney Stock....

    Does anyone know how to buy Disney stock and how much it is?? I wanted to do this for a couple of Valentine's Day gifts Mods, I'm not sure where this would go, but I wanted it to be somewhere that people could see it and hopefully answer. Anyone who can point me in the right direction will...
  19. baby1disney

    Your ideal amount of time

    I would have to go with about a month!! My grandparents used to live in Florida and I loved being down there.:) The reason why I'm saying a month is because we could go visit the Kennedy Space Center, do Universal, Sea World, and of course DISNEY!!!!! :D Plus, I think just one of those weeks...
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