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  1. waterhouse6

    People Angry Over Disney Dinning Plan

    I my little humble opinion the DDP is a great convenience factor. I also like the fact that I will have scheduled downtime each day to eat. My husband and I went to the World last April for the first time in either one of our lives. We went in a little dumb and clueless to the whole...
  2. waterhouse6

    MVMCP Park Admit time?

    If you've already gone to MVMCP this year how early were you allowed into the park before the party started? Thanks!:xmas:
  3. waterhouse6

    Dumb Question about After Hour Events

    WDW rookie here....only have gone twice:rolleyes: I want to take my family to the Christmas party on the 14th of December. That is the only thing I want to do that day. Do I have to buy a park pass or can we go on the Christmas party pass/ticket only? TIA!!!:xmas:
  4. waterhouse6

    Bf @ Dtd???????

    Does the Disney store in DTD have any sales on Black Friday? DH and I are thinking of going down there for Turkey weekend and I am curious about that. If this is in the wrong spot...soooooo sorry:D
  5. waterhouse6

    ????'s about WL Cabins area

    Thanks for the info! I can't believe I put WL in there and I have a window open that says Ft. Wilderness :) ROFLMBO I am looking at this map
  6. waterhouse6

    ????'s about WL Cabins area

    Hi all! Anyone who can help me with my questions that you so much:) I am looking at the best resort choices economically for my family of 6 next Dec 31, 08-Jan 5, 09. After shopping around I am thinking that a cabin at the WL is the best choice at this time. I have a few questions. 1) How...
  7. waterhouse6

    Need Help Choosing Another TS

    DH and I have our trip booked and I made ADR's this morning. On our first night, March 30th, we were going to go to MBYBBQ. Well, it is not going on that night:( So that leaves us with 3 credits each. DH is wanting to try Citricos (not open that night) or Narcoossee's. I don't eat...
  8. waterhouse6

    Child Harnesses

    I used a leash for my DS (2) last June. It gave him the feeling that he was able to walk farther and have a little freedom, although I still had him. He had the kind that was a teddy bear backpack and I would use it again. I use it for places here at home where there are larger crowds too...
  9. waterhouse6

    Breakfast at Cape May

    We love Cape May and went in both April and June. The place was packed!!!! We had ADR's in April for 10:30 were seated by 11:00. In June I don't remember the exact ADR time but we were seated almost an hour later. I would recommend an ADR for there during April.
  10. waterhouse6

    WDYT is Going on April 1 & April4 @ MK?

    I am really hoping it will be something cool DH and I can go to:lol: Epcot is the only park w/EMH in the morning on the 1st and the evening EMH on the 4th. What are you thinking may be going on?:wave:
  11. waterhouse6

    Every Pic GONE

    Yep, did the search and searched in hidden folders too. I swear I was looking at them before we moved a month ago. But I can almost guarantee that when the first day of school came around and my card/camera optioned to reformat and I said ok......the pics were still on there:shrug: At least I...
  12. waterhouse6


    Hey there everybody!! I found this site while trying to find more info on the 2008 DDDP. Looks to be pretty cool and a good place to get info. My name is Teresa and I have a wonderful DH named Sean. We are the parents to 3 daughters and one son, 13, 8, 7 & 2. DH and I both went to WDW for...
  13. waterhouse6

    Every Pic GONE

    :cry::cry:I am so bummed and DH is asleep! Every single pic of my 2 yo's son first trip to WDW is GONE!!!! I know I didn't print them out and I swear I put them on my computer....but they are NOWHERE to be found. :(:(:(:( Oh well not much I can do now but cry and be upset...........:o
  14. waterhouse6

    Will you buy the 2008 Disney Dining Plan?

    Newbie here :wave:Just reading through posts and thought I would share my thoughts. I have two trips I am in the process of planning and finalizing right now. I will definitely be buying the deluxe plan for both trips. The first one is just DH and I. This plan gives us the opportunity to...
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