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  1. ThinkTink721

    No WDW Trip This Year

    I am hoping we can make it back to WDW in a couple of years. Waiting will definitely make me appreciate it more! Our family took a cruise in 2009 instead of going to WDW. It was alot of fun, but it did make our next trip to WDW even better because we had more time to miss it. Being able to go on...
  2. ThinkTink721

    No WDW Trip This Year

    My family has decided that WDW is out of reach for us this year. We usually visit during free dining, but since we have a family of 5 & Port Orleans Riverside is not included in the promotion this year, we won't be able to make it. We originally opted for the cabins at Ft. Wilderness & even...
  3. ThinkTink721

    In need of new sit down dining choices...

    Our Favorites: Be Our Guest Crystal Palace 1900 Park Fare 'Ohana Chef Mickey's Donald's Safari Breakfast Teppan Edo
  4. ThinkTink721

    Coral Reef

    We ate at the Coral Reef during our trip last year & we enjoyed it. The atmosphere was great & the food was good. I would definitely recommend eating there.
  5. ThinkTink721

    Is it still impossible to get an ADR at BoG?

    Still trying for an ADR for any time between 9/1/14 - 9/6/14. We had dinner there last year & it is now one of our favorites. I really hope we are able to get in!
  6. ThinkTink721

    Free Dining is Here!

    We also love POR. Too bad it is not included in the free dining offer this year.
  7. ThinkTink721

    If it were you, would you?...

    If it were you, would you stay at a value resort during free dining with only the quick service meal plan to save money instead of staying at a moderate resort with the table service dining plan (like we normally do)?
  8. ThinkTink721

    Which would you rather have DHS?

    My vote was for Cars Land, but Star Wars Land would be great too!
  9. ThinkTink721

    Pirate Adventure Cruise GF

    My boys did the Pirate Cruise from the GF several years ago. They loved it!!!
  10. ThinkTink721

    Free Dining 2014?

    We love free dining. But now that POR is not available for our family of 5 that only leaves the cabins at FW as an option for us. Deluxe is way too $$$. This year our trip will cost substantially more $. We may not be able to go. So sad.
  11. ThinkTink721

    Akershus breakfast or lunch?

    My daughter & I have been for breakfast & dinner. We prefer dinner. I think the lunch menu is similar to the dinner menu.
  12. ThinkTink721

    Recommend restaurants.

    Our Favorites: BOG Crystal Palace 'Ohana 1900 Park Fare Chef Mickey's Teppan Edo Princess Storybook Donald's Safari Breakfast
  13. ThinkTink721

    Are Frogg Toggs worth it?

    My mother-in-law used one on her trip last year & she said it was great!
  14. ThinkTink721

    Teppan Edo, Be our Guest, or both?

    I would probably opt for doing both Teppan Edo & BOG that day, unless you can get them on separate days. Both restaurants are great! The monorail ride from Epcot to the MK usually does not take very long. I would probably bump up the FP+ time so you are not rushing around. The Coral Reef is...
  15. ThinkTink721

    Planning our next WDW trip!!!

    Planning our next WDW trip!!!
  16. ThinkTink721

    How Are the Cabins at Ft. Wilderness?

    Sounds great! We need more relaxing! We always stay in a room with one bathroom anyway, so that won't be so bad. We are also driving, so we will have our vehicle to get around. I hope to hear more good things!
  17. ThinkTink721

    Those that love POFQ and PORS-would you switch?

    We usually stay at POR. But, since the free dining offer does not include that resort, we have decided to try the Cabins at Ft. Wilderness.
  18. ThinkTink721

    Free Dining 2014?

    Disney Visa Card holders received the offer today. Too bad we couldn't book POR like we normally do. For some reason POR was not included in the resorts that could be booked with the free dining. We booked the Cabins at Ft. Wilderness for September.
  19. ThinkTink721

    How Are the Cabins at Ft. Wilderness?

    We are thinking of planning a trip in September 2014. We are trying to get more information about the Cabins at Ft. Wilderness. If you have stayed there, what is your opinion of the resort?
  20. ThinkTink721

    How many days for you - part 8

    ZERO!!!...We are on our way!!!
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