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  1. A

    Changes at DTD

    Legoland won't be owned by Blackstone by the time it opens up so I don't see the point of comparing it with Blackstone's past or how it helps Blackstone's fight against Disney.
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    Changes at DTD

    Again, like others are saying no they aren't. Not to sound all important (because I'm not) but I know a few higher up people at a few Sea World Entertainment parks and at Universal from when I used to work there and they have told me several times they are operated completely separately and...
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    Changes at DTD

    You mean never going to happen just like how it current is and has been for many years in CA where Lego has a big store at DTD and Legoland is one hour down the 5? The store won't sell tickets. It will sell Lego products like it does now. You have to seperate the park from the brand... Lego...
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    Changes at DTD

    I'm confused... what does Merlin buying Cypress Gardens have to do with the DTD Lego store? Did everyone forget DTD in CA has a Lego store and there is a Legoland a hour down the 5. The store and parks have very little connection. And if it matters... Lego only owns a small share of the...
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    American Idol Experience goes Down Today

    And you don't think Disney would find out? I remember when I was down there doing my college program hearing stories of a few people who got terminated for going to parks after calling in. If you enjoy your job and Disney says you can't audition I wouldn't recommend auditioning. Sure you might...
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    DTD Paint your own pottery kiosk.......

    .. at Disneyland.
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    Changes at DTD

    You say its not about profitability but go on to talk about how it can be more profitable? I know it is about the experience. I get it. But experience costs money. Money a lot of companies don't have right now. The argument has to involve profits because it takes money to run and operate...
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    Changes at DTD

    Lee we can both agree that whenever it was shoulder to shoulder very few (if any!) people paid to get in. And I'm sorry Lee but I take what ImaYoyo says over your info... he has always been dead on in regards to DTD so I'll take his word for it. He touched on the club's profit back when last...
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    Changes at DTD

    Interesting. I always heard and even read on this very site that it was the other way around - CW/AC were losing the big money when the other clubs were around the break even point. That makes sense considering the clubs have one DJ while the AC has what one musician, a few techs, and 7ish...
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    Changes at DTD

    Times have changed. I'm all about show but if the company ain't making money then it needs to stop. Especially if the company is public and has plenty of shareholders. Sure you could keep it open just to please the guests but when I used to live in Orlando a year+ ago the place didn't please...
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    Changes at DTD

    Because losing thousands of dollars a night is a success. Equity pay for all the performers ain't cheap especially when the club was mostly visited by non-paying cast members. A dining show is a great idea but not for DTD. A dinner show makes it hard to turn the tables over which means...
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    Changes at DTD

    How can you be? You don't know what the future holds. Do I wonder what the future holds and if it will be great? Yes. But I also don't like to assume (we all know what happens when you assume) that it is going to suck. I like to think positive. I'm just a glass half full kind of guy I guess.
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    Changes at DTD

    Yes I am. I think that is no more or less foolish then assuming whatever is coming will be crap before it is even announced. Horizons Syndrome? Yeah I'll buy that. I actually enjoy Mission Space much more and think it was a better use of the area. I'm all about new high-tech stuff.
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    Changes at DTD

    How can everyone here just automatically assume this is the end to DTD or that its going to be horrible when we haven't heard details or seen any plans? Call me crazy but it seems like many are just so upset about the AC that they assume new changes will suck. Sure the AC may not reopen but...
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    Fantasyland rehab/updated approved!

    I visit MK quite often and funny I see mainly happy people. Just listen on the monorail. People of all ages are excited. Frustrated guests are because it is too crowded but not because there is a lack of rides. Heck I usually hear people complaining they can't get on everything! Adding a major...
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    Fantasyland rehab/updated approved!

    Bingo. And that is why the suits here in Orlando arn't in a hurry to add anything. Now as a disclaimer I want new attractions and such just as much as anyone else but I'm just playing devil's advocate here... Disney is a business. A publicly traded one. What motivates you to add to say the...
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    3 Monorail Employees Suspended

    Hourly workers can get paid without "turning in hours"... just look at medical leave (FMLA) and such. They get paid (through their vacation and sick time). When it comes to a paid leave I believe (I haven't read the contract recently so I may be slightly off) but the cast member will receive pay...
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    3 Monorail Employees Suspended

    Huh? Yes there is paid leave for hourly cast members. Most (not always but most) of the time people are put on paid leave when there is an investigation involved - innocent until proven guilty. And as the article says one of them is a manager so yes one of them is salary.
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    WDW: Hollywood Studios - Monster's Inc Coaster

    The only (and big) problem with that kind of coaster is capacity. It is so freakin' low as in 200ish people per hour (in comparison most regular roller coasters do 1500-2000 a hour). Anyone been to Islands of Adventures? Just look at their similar coaster... the park can be nearly empty yet it...
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    To Honor the CM...

    I still think most people are missing the point here (IMO)... this accident is different because well it was caused by other cast members (not confirmed officially yet but I'm just saying). If, and I doubt it but you would be surprised what the union can do, the people involved in the accident...
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