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  1. Safari Princess

    Disney Christmas Parade taping?

    In a word... Yes. Basically, as the day drags on, more and more extras get frustrated with the taping, or hungry, or they want to go on rides etc. and they leave the taping. As the gaps get bigger the directors open the floodgates to anyone to keep their shots crowded. Extras who sign up in...
  2. Safari Princess

    Whats the latest on Disney & Harry Potter

    Islands can have Harry. That series is not good enough for Disney.
  3. Safari Princess

    Free Dining Rumor

    Too many issues associated with free dining. It causes a big strain on the CM's because there aren't enough Table Service Restaurants to meet demands when everyone is eating for free, and very few people will "settle" for anything less, despite the fact that the didn't pay for the meal. :dazzle:
  4. Safari Princess

    How to dress

    Not true! I have a facebook album of poorly dressed WDW guests.
  5. Safari Princess

    New Park?

    Melbourne would be the ideal place for a Disney park, although Disney seems to steer clear of Australia. Only a couple of movies are based there, and there is no reference in any of their theme parks. (Epcot anyone?) As far as the fifth theme park idea... there is no way WDW could support a 5th...
  6. Safari Princess

    Mickey Mouse Crocs for Christmas!

    Ugh. Crocs are the new Birkenstock's... sandals worn in places where you shouldn't wear sandals. Like fancy restaurants and weddings. (Yes I have witnessed both of these Fashion tragedy's) I have one question though... did they have to combine ugly colors with ugly shoes? couldn't they have...
  7. Safari Princess

    Do you tip at Palo?????????

    Yep. I always tip big.
  8. Safari Princess

    Changes to the Market House and Bakery on Main Street USA

    East Center Street is NOT being closed in like West Center Street, it's just being refurbed.
  9. Safari Princess

    Changes to the Market House and Bakery on Main Street USA

    The Castle Gallery, Adventureland, and Germany.
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