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  1. lilredfoxie

    Contemporary Resort or Polynesian Resort

    ive done both, and in the Contemporary, ive been in the tower and the garden wing. It is a tough choice because they both are fine resorts. I would go with the Contemporary tower, excellent views of the Magic Kingdom, especailly in the upper floors, you can see wishes from your balcony, and plus...
  2. lilredfoxie

    VIDEO - Epcot's new Tip Board goes live with all new features

    they could have done it better, perhaps kept a large screen but used the map of Epcot as the map and had in large text the waiting times displayed above each attraction on the map. Instead we got a cluttered information center that is unreadable from a distance, and going to be crowded by people...
  3. lilredfoxie

    VIDEO - Epcot's new Tip Board goes live with all new features

    I liked the older one better, it gave you the wait times and it was large enough to be read from a distance so you could plan where to go next. It reminded me of those digital sign boards of the highways warning you of traffic.
  4. lilredfoxie

    Why GF is not "popular"?

    its probably price more than anything, but there's also other great ones in the Deluxe category, such as the Yacht and Beach club which has easy access to Epcot and Stormalong bay. The Contemporary is my personal favorite out of the set because of its modern decor.
  5. lilredfoxie

    New Test Track ride vehicle debuts

    they look like they have more legroom than the older cars
  6. lilredfoxie

    EpcotServo's Updates #2.35- 42

    I kinda like that split in the Haunted Mansion queue, if you have seen the other stuff already, no sense in getting stuck behind people taking their time to look at it.
  7. lilredfoxie

    Least Favorite Disney Deluxe Resort?

    Animal Kingdom Lodge, its so far away from everything. my favorites are the modern themed ones, the Swan/Dolphin and the Contemporary.
  8. lilredfoxie

    Maelstrom and Other Lackluster Queue Lines.

    The queue for Pirates and Splash Mountain are good, I find the updated space mountain queue annoying because people wind up playing the games and not moving forward in line, they should let you pass people who want to stop and play the games. Ill always be partial to the classic omnimover rides...
  9. lilredfoxie

    WOL Pavillion

    Wouldnt a weather theme encroach on The Land's territory?
  10. lilredfoxie

    NYE at Epcot

    so wheres the photos of World Showplace?
  11. lilredfoxie

    NYE at Epcot

    What does World Showplace look like inside? Its usually always gated closed every other time of the year
  12. lilredfoxie

    Monorail Teal in Testing (Photos&Video)

    are those baloons on all the monorails? I havent been to WDW since 2008
  13. lilredfoxie

    Walt Disney World helps U.S. Mint

    The Train Ticket machines have been giving back dollar coins for change for years. If they really wanted to get the $1 coins in use more, discontinue the paper $1 bill, bump up the lowest paper bill to $2.
  14. lilredfoxie

    Do you like the new TTA narration?

    I happen to like it, Its more relaxing than the previous incarnation. Could we be seeing a retro revival in Tomorrowland like we did in Epcot?
  15. lilredfoxie

    Monorail Purple Being Retired

    We still got ones from the 60s running around, the R32s on the (C) train. If its built solid, and maintained well, it can still go for a long time.
  16. lilredfoxie

    Have u ever been in a park & saw someone from home?

    Its happened to me but not in WDW, when I was in Virginia Beach about 5-6 years ago I saw someone from high school
  17. lilredfoxie

    The "Little Problems" Thread

    The monorail cars look like they are falling apart, the last time I was there some of them were leaking water and smelled a bit musty, they are begining to look a bit tired. The screens in teh TEst Track ride vehicles, some of them wernet working. The various unfinished effects in Spaceship...
  18. lilredfoxie

    What is one thing you have never/will never experience at WDW?

    I missed out on a lot of Communicore, then again I was like 7 years old when I went in 1993 so I dont remember too well, I do remember some things from Futurecom but thats about it. From Martin's videos the Backstage Magic/Computer Central area looked like a lot of fun. I didnt get to see...
  19. lilredfoxie

    Favorite queue

    MK - Pirates of the Carribbean, Space Mountian (I like the exiting thing as well) Epcot - Malestrom, Living Seas (86-04) MGM - The Great Movie Ride AK - Dinosaur - its the only air conditoned one
  20. lilredfoxie

    Hall of Presidents to Reopen in July....

    Well it is the most political show in Walt disney world, it deals with all the presidents
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