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  1. C

    How many points do you have?

    None yet :(- but working on it!!!!! One day hope to have 150 at SSR or OKW, hopefully SSR so we can take full advantage of the longer expiration date.
  2. C

    Port Orleans Riverside - 1st Visit questions

    Thanks for all of your replies - the breakfast look great!!!!! Sound Yummy!!! Think I may have to do as one thread said and get some milk and cereal for quick dash brekkies, as if I ate at Boatwrights every morning, I may not fit in my airline seat on the way home! Thanks about the tips, best...
  3. C

    Port Orleans Riverside - 1st Visit questions

    Hi there - i am new on here and would like to firstly say hello:wave: , and secondly ask a few questions about Port Orleans Riverside. We are going in Sept 2007 and staying with DDP for 14 nights. We have two children (8,4) and are wondering - where is best to go for breakfast and how much...
  4. C

    Opinions on Radisson Worldgate

    We have booked two weeks at Radisson Worldgate with TCD next September (2007) and any feedback would be great. I understand they are renovating at present, so hopefully this should be finishing soon. Although I like a nice hotel, I do understand also, that it is only aplace to stay - I plan...
  5. C

    Hi there - Any news on events for 2007?

    :wave: Hi there - Iam new to this forum and from the UK. I have a DH and a DD(7) and DS(3), and we are going to WDW September 28 2007!!!! This will be our first time as a family - I haven't been since 1990 - so a lot has changed, and to say I am excited is an understatement!! Does anyone...
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