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  1. W

    Mickey loses his head, or at least an ear.

    Yes, there is a small area that is currently not blocked off...most of it is in the direct sun, but dh was able to get over under shade (he is VERY fair)...thanks for posting the site I said I am down here and I don't want to waste anytime figuring things out!!!!
  2. W

    Mickey loses his head, or at least an ear.

    Gallery I managed to upload into gallery, but don't have time right now to figure out how to get it for everyone to see.....we are off to parks again after a little rest (although it is RAINING right now big time!).....Later!!! :D
  3. W

    Mickey loses his head, or at least an ear.

    I Have It!!!!! I have video and I have STILL PICTURES of Mickey with his ear flopping....we staged ourselves early on upper deck of train station....I saw as it came around that Mickey's ear looked fine then it looked a little strange and then almost totally off!!!!!! I have about 3 pictures...
  4. W

    Looking for ideas!

    special things Also check out the items at the Grand Floridian....when we went our youngest was only 2 but her older sister (just turned 5) went on the Pirate Cruise, did the tea party, and one other thing (can't remember now) but she had an awesome time....we were on a dinner plan so she was...
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    Yachtsman Steakhouse

    Yaaahhhctsman Family of 4 went to Yachtsman steakhouse on last visit (2002-Sept)...we were staying at Beachclub and decided on it (had p.s. somewhere else but changed it) since we decided for down time to visit pool.....We were very PLEASANTLY hubby is a steak man (he will eat it...
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    Wheelchair Abuse

    Had to give me 2 cents worth! 1st, if you have had a relative with a disability people are pretty heartless...they say things like "get out of that chair so I could sit awhile" or they would pat her on the head like she was a 2 year old (I lost my mother 8 years ago...most of my 32 years she...
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    So how old are some of yous?

    Yikes! Okay so now I feel REALLY OLD! I will be turning 40 on my birthday while at WDW....DH will be guys are all so YOUNG!!!!!
  8. W

    Pal Mickey

    I searched through many sites and threads trying to find out where you can purchase Pal Mickey (the new ones)...I know wdw site lists shops within the worlds but wanted to pick it up on the day of arrival and not burn an entrance ticket to do afraid we will get down there and they will...
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    Special Dining on Thanksgiving

    Does anyone know if any of the restaurants in WDW (part. MK) do a special dinner on Thanksgiving? I know the Liberty tree normally serves Turkey, but just wondered if anyone else does something special??? THANKS!
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    Liki Tiki

    Got the idea that this is not a great resort, however the resort sent me pictures that showed that they look like they have updated some items....Does anyone have any first hand, recent information on this resort....We will have 7 in our group in a 2 bedroom and I still have the time to change...
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    LIKI TIKI resort

    Has anyone stayed at this resort? If so, how was it.....used my timeshare week (which was supposed to be able to trade into DVC HA HA!) and it "sounds" nice, they keep telling me about all the wonderful resorts just off property......
  12. W

    How much planning is too much?

    Oh I forgot, medication does help too!!!!!as my DH says "MEDICATION TIME"!!!!!:rolleyes:
  13. W

    How much planning is too much?

    I wouldn't call myself a planaholic but was a research professional....I started research in June (when we sold our house) for a trip in Sept. due to THIS SITE and a couple others I was able to plan every meal with a p.s. (we were on a package) including both princess breakfasts. I bought the...
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    Thanksgiving 04

    We are planning trip to WDW next Thanksgiving and staying off property for 1st time. My DH wants to do a Thanksgiving feast at a WDW restaurant, does anyone have info??? He is thinking that the Liberty Tree supper would be the best bet for a tradition Turkey dinner (plus I wouldn't have to cook...
  15. W

    Offsite additional fees

    Staying off resort next year (1st time) and trying to find out if WDW charges every time you go through the entrances (not the gate tickets but if you are driving a car) and what those charges are. And if they charge you to park your car (and how much). Trying something different and all the...
  16. W

    How much do you spend?

    We spendt about $5500 last Sept for family of 4 (one under 2). We stayed at BC and did the plan with 3 meals (which I booked almost every character meal I could) for 7 days. We figured (after hubby kept all meal receipts) that if we had just gotten passes and room and paid for everything else...
  17. W

    Everything Yacht Club (Question)

    Our first visit was the Wilderness Lodge (the second week they were open), it was great (the fireplace), last fall we stayed at the Beach Club. Once we were moved out of the Murphey bed room (info. I found through this site that you don't want to stay in them) we were very happy. We tried...
  18. W

    Spring Break Visit

    Of course there is always taking the kid out of school (I know I have family that are teachers!!!!!) But if we could avoid it I would like to...that was a great thought about how the spring break is spread out and at Christmas every school kid has off.....but is it mainly families with school...
  19. W

    Spring Break Visit

    So we were thinking because of school and dh's work schedule to pop down to WDW during Spring we have been to WDW in June (before kids) and we went last Sept. (with kids age 2,5 then). Both times were hot, lots less crowds (except weekends) in Sept. both times lots of rains. From...
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    abbreviated trip report

    Got back 1 week ago, still suffering from Disney withdrawals and still haven't fully unpacked (if I stay packed will my hubby take me back to WDW?). We arrived at Beach club and they tried to put us in a Murphy bed room. My hubby is tall and thinks he has to have a king size bed. After...
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