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  1. fotogenieguy

    Budget to Remove Wand Approved for this Fall

    Basically, people don't like the wand because it reminds them they are at Disney. They don't like the Disney music, because it reminds them they are at Disney. I don't see the problem with the "wand". How long do you really just sit and stare at it to be an eyesore. Usually, you see it from...
  2. fotogenieguy

    First night of Mickey's NSS Halloween Party--have you experienced it?

    Well my girls and I are extremely excited as well. It appears by all the postings that the first night is going to be packed, as we will be there to celebrate also. Can't wait to get there, just a few more days....
  3. fotogenieguy

    Be straight with me!!

    I also agree with Magic Maker and typhoonguy. My wife and I were skeptical but had all our questions answered at the open house. There was no pressure and they showed all the financial stuff up front. My family and I have thoroughly enjoyed our trips over the past years and this year has...
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