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  1. MichelleMaBelle

    Dining Plan Credits Confusion

    Okay awesome, I think I've got it now. Thanks :D
  2. MichelleMaBelle

    Dining Plan Credits Confusion

    So there's no credit for the day we check out? Checking in on a Sunday and out on a Saturday, so I only need to make reservations for Sunday-Friday? I read that the credits expire the night of check out, so if there is still a credit, it can be used on the Saturday we check out, correct?
  3. MichelleMaBelle

    Dining Plan Credits Confusion

    Quick question, for the dining credits, are they for every day your there? Including check in and out? I will be there for 6 days, so do we get 6 credits per person? Trying to figure out if I need to make reservations for the day we get there and the day we're leaving.
  4. MichelleMaBelle

    Free Dining 2014?

    Feeling pretty discouraged. Think we're going to pass on free dining and stay at PO. Or we're going to book a deluxe room closer to our date, but how does that work with adding the plan? Would it be free or are there a limited number they give out? But now ADR are going to be booked solid...
  5. MichelleMaBelle

    Free Dining 2014?

    Both POR? Meaning Riverside and French Quarter? That messes up my whole plan :in pain: Guess I have to re-plan tonight!
  6. MichelleMaBelle

    Free Dining 2014?

    Yeah we're in no rush to book so I think we'll just wait and see what happens. So we're thinking May 6th for cardholders? I just hope it works out, I've really got my heart set on PO:RS :happy:
  7. MichelleMaBelle

    Free Dining 2014?

    Would it make sense for me to just book November 9th-16th and then apply the free dining when it's released? I don't think we're planning our vacation around the dining plan, and rather the days I mentioned above are set in stone. We're thinking of staying at Port Orleans Riverside btw. Oh and...
  8. MichelleMaBelle

    Free Dining 2014?

    I was excited to see that it starts back up on November 9th, that's the day we're planning on arriving. How exactly does this work though? We've never been lucky enough to have our trip fall during free dining. Do you need to have a Magic Your Way plan? We get our tickets offsite. Can someone...
  9. MichelleMaBelle

    First Romantic Trip... But My Parents Are Coming Too! Ah!

    Haha no I understand! I'm also a spoiled only child who usually takes the reigns when it comes to Disney planning, soooo my parents aren't new to me taking charge of the vacation. They like to just go along and I haven't failed them yet by planning a fun trip!
  10. MichelleMaBelle

    First Romantic Trip... But My Parents Are Coming Too! Ah!

    Thanks everyone! I definitely will have to set some ground rules that we'd like to have some dates and alone time. I want to spend time as a family too, so it should be a nice balance! Any recommendations for young couple activities? We're 24 and 27, not really looking for anything super fancy...
  11. MichelleMaBelle

    First Romantic Trip... But My Parents Are Coming Too! Ah!

    Yeaaaaah... it's going to be an interesting trip! I've been going to Disney every year since I was young and this year when I told my parents that I wanted to go with my boyfriend, they offered to pay and come along. While we wanted it to just be us, it's hard to say no when they offered to...
  12. MichelleMaBelle

    Aerial photos of the World?

    My request is that you take me with you! ;) It's always been a dream of mine to take aerial shots of the parks. I wonder if there is some kind of service I could hire to fly me around? Very cool that you do it yourself! I did some aerial work in photo school and it was a blast, I'd be so excited...
  13. MichelleMaBelle

    Photography sessions

    I highly recommend Regina Hymen. She's a local photographer who has worked for Disney for years and recently left to focus on her own clientele. I'm not quiet sure how it works with outside photographers doing sessions in the parks, I think that's strictly for Disney Event Photographers. But I...
  14. MichelleMaBelle

    On a hunt for Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes!

    The Boardwalk Bakery is closed at the moment but I'm absolutely dying for one of their Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes. Do the bakeries around the parks usually sell items from other bakeries? I was thinking I could possibly find one in the confectionery on Main Street. Anyone know where my best...
  15. MichelleMaBelle

    Buying glass slippers online?

    I'm currently a student at the Hallmark Institute Of Photography and we have a final coming up that involves a glass shot. I would LOVE to use one of the glass slippers from Crystal Arts on Main Street but sadly, my final is due in Feb. and I won't be back in Disney until March! Ugh! Is there a...
  16. MichelleMaBelle

    One Way Magical Express drop off?

    We have a weird schedule this year - we're flying into West Palm because it's cheaper, spending a few days with family, and renting a car to get to Orlando. My father is planning to return the car to Orlando Int after we check into the Boardwalk, and then take the Magical Express back to the...
  17. MichelleMaBelle

    Is Soarin 2.0 still a go?

    We waited in line for 40 mins today and the film wasn't even watchable. Not only was there dirt all over the screen, the film was shaking so badly it looked like there was 2 of everything. I took a video that I showed to the Soarin' flight crew and they just shrugged it off.
  18. MichelleMaBelle

    Best way to unwind after a long day in the park?

    I'm here at the World now and having a blast! I've found that editing my photos from the day and taking a long bath with the jets on (Yay, Bay Lake Towers! Haha) helps me relax after a long day. What do you guys do to unwind and relax after a long day in the parks? And what works best for...
  19. MichelleMaBelle

    Negative Friends and Family?

    Our family in south Florida don't appreciate our Disney trips much - because we usually don't have time to see them, or it's just for the day if do manage it. I don't know how many times I've heard "Haven't you seen it all before? How much can change in a year?" And I just shake my head - they...
  20. MichelleMaBelle

    How do you incorporate Disney in your life Everyday?

    Where were you when I was in high school?!
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