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  1. The Sweetness

    Best character birthday meal?

    As well as WCC at the Wilderness lodge, how about a lunch or dinner at the '50s prime time cafe in MGM. I bet that would be a fun spot for a birthday meal, and have never gotten any food there I didnt enjoy. (Although I havent always *cleaned my plate*)BTW, I agree about CM's at the Contemporary...
  2. The Sweetness

    Dining Plan Question-are the meals pooled?

    If it wasnt meant to be done, than it wouldnt be done. WDW have a good thing going. By getting $40 per day per adult for the entire stay, and keeping ppl in their rooms. This isnt cheating either, IMO. The credits are pooled for you to use as you please. Including treating a guest to dinner (a...
  3. The Sweetness

    What's Good??

    I would stick with the burgers and shakes at Sci-Fi. If its not on the dinner menu, maybe they'll make it for you anyway, since its on the menu:sohappy:
  4. The Sweetness

    Don't you remember Boy Meets World?

    When my 14y old was a shorty, she loved BMW:wave:
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