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  1. P

    phone cells at disney?

    Some of us take our phones and business with us as a security blanket of sorts. The idea of leaving my business behind for 2 weeks with zero interaction is a bit terrifying and that is no vacation either. So of us are merely checking in on things to make sure there is something to come back...
  2. P

    Wolfgang Puck Cafe

    Can't agree I wish I agree with the rave reviews here, but I had a horrible experience at Puck's. I had the California rolls, which I eat frequently, and spent 3 days in the hotel room horribly sick. It really put a dent in my vacation and forced me to miss several days at the parks. It was...
  3. P

    Laptop Security...

    Laptop security I must also agree with others in this forum. I visit Disney World at least once a year and stays for a couple weeks at a time. I carry my laptop and several pieces of tech gear with me as I like to work from the room occassionally at night. I have never had any problems with...
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