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  1. Trumpetgirl

    MYW Dinning Package Improvements

    It was on VMK I forgot to specify that sorry. lol
  2. Trumpetgirl

    Jungle Journeys: Villains Revenge- New Coaster Idea

    srkingdom2 do you play vmk? great ride cbf nice idea. no ideas here though because I don't have any clue as to what to do. I have never been a perso to think of cool stuff. But I think it would be to hard to decide which tunnel or whatever I would want to go in:veryconfu . But that maybe that...
  3. Trumpetgirl

    Handedness Poll!

    I'm a righty. Do most everything like a righty. But, I can't ride my bike one-handed with my right hand only left.:lol:
  4. Trumpetgirl

    MYW Dinning Package Improvements

    I saw this kid in a trade room the other day and his name was dandaman. He was looking for magic I think it was. I don't know if it was you or not.:o
  5. Trumpetgirl


    What is the best game in vmk to play for the most credits i need some really badly...:veryconfu
  6. Trumpetgirl

    hidden mickey's

    Awesome! Very funny.:lol:
  7. Trumpetgirl

    MYW Dinning Package Improvements

    The one time I went to WDW (right before Hurricane Ivan I think it was) I bought a little squirt bottle thing. My parents didn't tell me how much we spent in all at the park. But, that summer we had a garage sale so i had $200.00 to spend so I don't think I spent any where near that much.:cool:
  8. Trumpetgirl

    MYW Dinning Package Improvements

    Dandaman, I saw you in a trade room yesterday.:xmas:
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