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  1. ::BEN::

    Need Help With ToT Convincing

    Go ride Tower of Terror! If I can ride ToT anybody can! I went on it twice last April and was terrfied but really, once you get off, I can assure you there will be a huge sense of achievement and you'll be itching to get on and ride again! It really isnt as bad as it looks! It was my first...
  2. ::BEN::


    Thanks a bunch!! I'll be sure to check that out!! Ben
  3. ::BEN::

    International - interviews

    Well apparently one of my friends told one of the Yummy Jobs team that he was using it (I think it may just apply to the forums rather than the main site, I'm not too sure) I was told that they advised him that the information wasn't all that reliable or outdated. Thats just what I heard! Ben...
  4. ::BEN::


    Are any ICP participants going to be doing Custodial or is it just me? It would be reassuring to know of any other who picked the same role! I don't fancy the idea of having to clean up the whole of WDW on my own:animwink: It all seems Operations and Merchandise! *sigh* Ben
  5. ::BEN::

    International - interviews

    Just a note, I'm going over on 30th May, Nice to meet you all, about, Yummy Jobs don't advise using that site apparently. Just thought I should let you know! Ben:wave:
  6. ::BEN::

    Who was there the 1st years of Disney World?

    Would you be able to post links to the videos if possible! I would be interested to see them!:animwink: Thanks a bunch! Ben!:wave:
  7. ::BEN::

    Universal videos?

    Try Theres bucket loads of videos on that site. It may have what you are looking for too. Also... All the Best Ben
  8. ::BEN::

    Another ride review of Everst

    But then wouldn't that ruin the surprise for the big Yeti encounter at the end of the ride? I suppose the "shadow puppet effect" is just to build up anticipation to let the riders know the Yeti is near. Surely a real Yeti being there would be un-necessary when the shadow serves that exact same...
  9. ::BEN::

    A Question for people doing the International College Program

    Cv Hey there! I got accepted onto the program and my CV was just like any normal CV for a job. the sections on mine were: Career Profile (which just explains what kind of job you are after, so for WDW something like, "seeking employment abroad with the oppurtunity to live, work and learn...
  10. ::BEN::

    International College Program

    Just so you know, I am on a three year BA (Hons) Fine Art course, so you will be able to apply good luck! :animwin: Ben
  11. ::BEN::

    The Great College Program Roll Call List

    International College Program. Name: Ben Arrival: May 30th Role: Custodial. (Is there anyone else doing Custodial?? *feels lonely*) Not too fussy about location... MK would be nice though!! :D :sohappy: :wave: Ben
  12. ::BEN::

    International College Program

    Thank you! I'm sure it will be a wonderful experience for me! I'm sure you will get the oppurtunity one day! Back to your last post, I'm not sure about the maximum age thing, I think you just have to be in full time college education. Thanks Ben :wave:
  13. ::BEN::

    International College Program

    I see what you mean there! Disney World is spotless, the parks in England are not even close to the standard of Disney's parks! You're right, it is going to be great indeed! :D Ben
  14. ::BEN::

    International College Program

    I'm going to be working in Custodial, I've not seen anyone around these forums who will be doing Custodial though, it all seems to be Merchandise and Operations... Thanks for introducing yourself! Nice to meet you! Ben :wave:
  15. ::BEN::

    International College Program

    So how long will you be over at WDW for? It is going to be a great experience, I can't wait! Which role did you get and will be working on? :wave: Nice to meet you!
  16. ::BEN::

    International College Program

    Hello! I am coming over in May from England to participate in the International College Program and signed up to these great forums sometime last week Is there anybody else who has done the Program who would could offer any tips as to what I should expect, or is there anybody who is doing...
  17. ::BEN::

    Freaking out about flying

    This may help person with fear of flying.. Hi all, I am new to and this is my first post so I hope it works right! I am coming over from England in May for the International College Program and am also anxious about the long-haul flight, but I found a website that eases any...
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