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  1. villianess

    Crowded next week??

    As I mentioned in another thread - the hubby and I are taking a spur of the moment trip to WDW next week. I am hoping the crowds have thinned out from the holidays a bit. We're going to start on Sunday, and stay through Thursday. Think we'll get to ride anything, or is it going to be a week...
  2. villianess

    T-Rex Concept Art

    I live in KC, and have been to the T-Rex here. I think it is far better done than Rainforest Cafe. I think the animatronics are better and more lifelike - and the ambiance is outta this world - there are several different themed areas inside - and it seems more elaborate than Rainforest...
  3. villianess

    TTA Open or Closed?

    Hey Felllow Disney-Fanatics! I will be visiting the world next week, and am hoping the TTA is running. I heard a rumor it would be closed....? I would be CRUSHED! I don't know why...but I LOVE it so! :)
  4. villianess

    Pin Trading at Downtown Disney

    Is it true that you can ask any CM to trade pins with you - and they "have" to do it. I got addicted to buying pins on our last trip to DL - but I didn't know you could trade them with CM's until after we left. I still think I'd feel wierd saying "Hey - give me your pin!" :veryconfu How does...
  5. villianess

    Is Staying on Property Worth It?

    OK - so I'll admit it! We've never stayed "on property." I've only been to WDW ONCE (DL 3 times), and we stayed off-property at the same hotel as some friends of ours that met us in Orlando. It was very inexpensive at around $38/night - and it was fine. But, whenever we'd be riding them...
  6. villianess

    Priceline and WDW resorts?

    We like to use when we book hotels for our vacations. You can save SO MUCH money! Does anyone know if the WDW hotels participate with
  7. villianess

    How much does cast members know??

    Speaking of cast members....I wish I was one! I'd love to work for the Mouse! I've always wondered CM's love the Disney parks, too....or does the magic fade away when you're there working every day? Is it fun?
  8. villianess

    Am I obsessed with Disney?

    I appreciate all the commradery! Some of my friends and co-workers think I should be more interested in going to Vegas and drinking for a week and taking part in more "adult vacation spots" than planning my WDW vacation in September so I can experience the new POC refurb when the park is slow...
  9. villianess

    Am I obsessed with Disney?

    So - My husband thinks I'm "obsessed" with Disney. I'm 28, and I LOVE the Disney parks! I'd rather go to DL or WDW than any other place for vacation - year after year. When I work out, I remind myself how I want to be in great shape for our Disney vacation. When I have a bad day, I think of...
  10. villianess

    From Jacksonville to Disney...any hints?

    My husband and I drove from KC to Orlando - and we used Microsoft's "Streets & Trips" to help us navigate. We planned out our route before we left, and made a "trip packet" with print outs of all the maps and directions so we always knew exactly where we were going. The directions are a GRAND...
  11. villianess

    Can I handle EE?

    Hi! I'm not a big "thrill ride" person. I LOVE Big Thunder, Matterhorn, and Indy - but I'm worried about EE. I'm very excited about it - but a little worried the drop/speed may be too much. Can anyone compare it to BTMR or Matterhorn so I have something I've already experienced to judge the...
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