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  1. C

    How many of you "cheat" with fast passes?

    Can't believe this one- I have never thought of cheating on fast passes. We just returned the end of March and had four fp to Mission Space and threw them away. Our boys 16 & 11 saw us do this. Now, what example would we be setting for them if we said, "Oh, hang on to them we'll use it...
  2. C

    How do you get chosen for opening at MK?

    Chosen for MK opening in 1997 Things were done a little bit different in 1997. We were at MK opening about an hour before scheduled opening. A CM came up to us and asked us if we would like to help open the park. Of course, we all said yes. It wasn't the big to do like it is today...
  3. C

    Sea Raycers???

    Sea Raycer experience Our two boys, 16 & 11 years old, went out in one of these. They had a great time! We had a coupon for 90 min. for the price of 60 min. The boys had problems with the boat staying running, by the second time, the rope broke when they tried to start it. They were...
  4. C

    Guest Assistance Card

    Experience with wheelchair/cane on March visit My personal experience with a cane and wheelchair at WDW was very interesting. The first day we headed to the Magic Kingdom from the Poly and I was literally trampled to board the monorail. My family had to jump off before the doors closed as...
  5. C

    Mission: Space - Popularity Downturn

    MS safe to ride This past March I roder MS with my family. I do usually get quite sick after riding spinning rides. I decided I'd "suck" it up and ride, as I didn't want to spoil the party for the rest of the family. I managed to get through the ride, did not get violently ill, but will NOT...
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