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  1. P

    College Program

    No problem, if you are on the main page with all the topics listed, up towards the top left of the list, you'll see a blue button that says "new thread" or something to that effect. Click it and the rest should go just like you're adding a post to an existing topic, which you already know how to do.
  2. P

    Anyone done the Swim with the Dolphins experience??

    Thank you! I think we'll definately do that. I wanted to do the Dolphin Swimming Shore Excursion when we took our Disney Cruise, but we just didn't have time, so I think we'll definately do it now.
  3. P

    What is your favorite WDW recipe that you have actually made??

    I have an old Disney cookbook with the receipe for the Crystal Palace French Toast that they used to serve, like 10 years ago. It's basically deep fried and covered in cinnamon sugar, its basically a heart attack with a glass milk, but man is that heart attack delicious!
  4. P

    College Program

    My cousin was doing the college program and just recently quit because they were working him like 50 or 60 hours a week and weren't supposed to be. He worked at a restaurant in Downtown Disney. I hope you enjoy your experience though! I think it would be awesome to do that for a summer.
  5. P

    Anyone done the Swim with the Dolphins experience??

    I was curious if anyone had done the Swim with the Dolphins thing at Epcot?? I've been to Disney a dozen times and my husband and I are planning a trip in September and we came across this experience and thought it would be fun to do. If anyone has ever done it, please let me know how you...
  6. P

    how many more days for you?

    I'm at 108 days and counting.. I liked it better when I was refering to it in months, it somehow didn't sound as far away :)
  7. P

    My HUGE May 23 Everest pic update

    Wow, that looks really impressive. I haven't heard, is Disney projecting when EE will be finished (open), yet?
  8. P

    Guess who got to see the Sea Cabs yesterday???

    I loved the SeaCab ride, it was short but very relaxing and a great way to get to Sea Base Alpha. I remember that at one point during the ride, you went through a tunnel where the aquarium was all around you (above your head) that I thought was neat. I'm kind of an "old" disney fan, so it may...
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