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  1. S

    Nemo ruined it! Bring back hydrolators!

    I agree, Disney has been moving epcot away from edutainment for a long time now. Instead of engageing our emaginations, Disney has decided to shake the stuffings out of us in pursuit of the almighty dollar. You might want to be careful of offering too much criticism, as it has been my experience...
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    4/2 Epcot Update (Illuminations/SSE/F&G)

    sse sponsor Last time I was down I noticed a sign indicating that seimens was the new sse sponsor. Maybe they will do a modest rehab to fix the problems now. Has anyone heard anything like that?:)
  3. S

    Explain the appeal of Test Track

    Test track is nothing more than a roller coaster with no hills. It's predecessor was way better. Most of the rides at EPCOT have been slowly going away to make room for faster rides that draw in more people.
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    Land Fountain

    The fountain and prisms did look a lot better than the tombstones that are there now.
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    Land Fountain

    It is sad that it's gone. They should have kept it. I'm looking forward to seeing the new look though.
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    Land Fountain

    Does anyone know if the fountain is still in the land. I really can't tell looking at the photos.
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    does anyone get this alot?

    I feel your pain. But Disney is worth it don't ya think?:)
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    COP Problems on April 1st

    I agree that it does need rehabbing, but I think it would be a nice tribute to Walt if they left the cop in DL and WDW. Replacing it would not add to Disney's bottom line.
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    Pirates of the Carribean rehab??!!!!!

    If they change anything maybe they will make the ride longer, without messing with the formula too much. oh yeah, welcome to the boards.
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    New Land Logo

    Kinda hard to see the logo but it does have promise.
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    epcot's demise

    I don't mean to be critical, wdw is still the best vacation destination around but things are wrong and should be corrected. Walt paid attention to detail and so should his successors. I still love the place though.
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    epcot's demise

    If it offends you that I am negative right off the bat then so be it. My wife and I have been going to wdw for decades so I think we know what we are talking about. Disney is not just any other resort and the parks are not just any other parks. They are a cut above everything else and should be...
  13. S

    Everyone loves it but its time to get rid of......

    If we are going to replace the attractions can we at least not dumb down what replaces them. It would be nice if we kept a few educational fun rides. If we are going to tear something down then let it be the wand in the way of SSE.
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    epcot's demise

    on a recent trip to epcot i could'nt believe how bad the park looked. the living seas was very deteriorated and in need of painting. the wonders of life pavilion had headsets that did not work and glass that had'nt been cleaned in a long time. most of the park looked dirty and poorly maintained...
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