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  1. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    The did though, they just didn't think it was enough. It used to be up to 6 of whoever you want. Now it you +3 family with exceptions for more being only done for more immediate family.
  2. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    The abuse of DAS. Or overuse. Or just regular fair use, was real. Ppl don't believe it still. It was a system that had too many people using it for it to not break the operations in a significant way. You either change it to be way worse of an accommodation or you get as many people off it as...
  3. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    Disney can essentially click a button and shut off the RTQ distribution access to CM's. If it gets bad, that's the first thing they will do. If an overhaul of that aspect becomes necessary, I have no doubt they will. But I'm hopeful it won't come to that.
  4. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    That would be different I would hope, I'm more speaking about frontline CM's when I say they aren't getting it anymore. I don't have any info about other CM types
  5. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    The family rides for all ages with the most accessible vehicles like omnimovers and boats will probably see far more of an effect than something like Tron will. At least, that is my guess.
  6. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    They do get the same questions, but it's very hard to try and justify why you can stand for 8 hours dealing with thousands of ppl a day, but can't wait in any regular lines. Because if all you need at work is access to bathroom breaks upon request to make it through your shift, then the new...
  7. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    I do want to clarify I can only speak for 1 attraction that I'm not able to name(sorry, I care enough to post but not to get in trouble). I don't know what the ratio looks like property wide. But I do think it's a good indicator of what Disney is going for here.
  8. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    I don't have proof other than irl conversations, but AP's/DVC seem to be a huge chunk. CM's were probably the second highest. With day ticket holders being the least impactful on DAS. Which makes sense given so many guests show up not even knowing that anything exists beyond MK, it would...
  9. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    Not gonna say exactly where, but over the last few days I've personally seen the Ratio of DAS vs Genie+ shift dramatically. Used to be around 60% of LL scans in a given hour were DAS at this attraction during peak times. Now it's down to about 15-20%. It's definitely noticeable to CM's.
  10. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    GR using a low tier LL as a recovery or as pixiedust has been a thing since the inception of Fastpass. They don't always do it, but it's been an approved option for them for more than 20 years. I'm not really spreading new information. They aren't ever obligated to give you one, especially if...
  11. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    Theoretically yes, but they would have to explain why they can't be assisted in line due to their physical disability Are they on cruches? If so, you offer a wheelchair to use in the queue if the wait is too long for them on crutches. Not give them a pass. All rides should have at least a few...
  12. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    Ideally this would work. But each ride is different. You would more likely need a sheet of paper(or multiple) listing what the person should receive at each attraction. They are all different. It's doable, but it's a lot to sift through for guests all day and for CM's to sift through it and find...
  13. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    This is the hard part, it's now a subjective judgment. Which is a ton of stress on CM's. Many of whom are college programmers who are still learning how to have a polite backbone in the service industry. I know many dread these conversations. The best advice is to be polite, and if you don't get...
  14. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    A lot of CM's were confused by how it was supposed to work. Given they only got a relatively short review of the new stuff, I wasn't surprised. But it's getting figured out I think. Whether people like it, is another story
  15. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    Exactly this. Last resort or no other feasible option is the only reason a guest should get an RTQ pass. Otherwise it should be AQR, Child swap, etc.
  16. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    Sorry I'm late. 2 different accommodations. 1 is a pass you get added to your account at the front of the attraction to come back later and use the LL. These are supposed to be incredibly rare and not given out willy nilly. You have to get them at the attraction and itll let you comeback once...
  17. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    I'm just gonna throw this out and I'm genuinely wondering if this would be a fair change to the system "You cannot book another ride until you are completely off the ride you previously booked." Logistically a nightmare to implement I think, but that aspect of the system where you can book the...
  18. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    I think you are spot on. And it's unfortunate. I don't even think it's cynical anymore. For many, the stroller has replaced the bag. I will also say, strollers have just gotten more and more complicated with more and more storage over the years. People are enabled to bring more with them...
  19. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    Exactly, that is the most angering aspect of it. Nobody thinks about the consequences.
  20. G

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    I think I said a long time ago in this thread that I was curious if Disney was gonna look at the tags, because to me it seemed apparent that the 2 accommodations went hand in hand in terms of having only tremendous upside for the ones using it with no downside. Coupled with a near 100% granting...
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