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    hola amigos, ¿cómo estás hoy?

    hola amigos, ¿cómo estás hoy?
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    Gay Disney World due in 2009

    :lol: :lol: :lol: *dies laughing* a gay theme park? :lol: :lol: you mean, like a theme park full of gay people? with gay cast members...and gay visitors? :lol: :lol: :lol: that would never happen! :lookaroun
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    What CD Is In Your Player Right Now?

    Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway has been on repeat on my iTunes for months, I cannot get enough of it a song for every mood.
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    Getting from DLP to Orly Airport via Public Transport

    Excellent info, thanks very much :D Like I said, we're heading out there on the 23rd of December, so I'm hoping the whole riot issue will be resolved by then.
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    Happy Birthday Boywonder

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! *Donates the GT's 5000th to the cause*
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    Getting from DLP to Orly Airport via Public Transport

    Ahh, 8:30 is the offical start time, they advise to leave 2 hours before flying. poo.
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    Getting from DLP to Orly Airport via Public Transport

    We're heading to DLP for christmas, we are due to fly back to the UK on the 28th of December from Orly airport We have flown via CDG and travelled via Eurostar before but this is our first interaction with Orly. the problem is, our flight is due to leave at 9:30am, meaning we need to be there...
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    Happy Birthday, Arcsbite!!!

    Thank you guys..and gals :) so nice :) I would have said thank you last night..but I was out...umm...doing charity work for the under performing bars and pubs of Manchester...yes..that.
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    World's Worst

    "oh my god..I'm so sorry, I thought we already broke up....4 months ago, this? oh this is my wife Hickonawa" WW thing to remember on your wedding morning..
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    World's Worst

    "You know, Mum said you were an accident, were born a boy..but she decided she wanted a they wheeled you straight into surgery..oh, and she said she likes me better too" Worlds Worst tell someone after $ex
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    U.s Or U.k

    Cambodia... ...what? I wanted to be different.
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    World's Worst

    "I've worked here at the sewage plant for over 12 years..there's my wet suit...go on, you can sniff it if you' like" WW thing to happen the night before a big interview.
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    A bit of a whoops with Wishes tonight

    surely a technical/mechanical/computer error and not a human one?
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    What is #Disney-Central and How to Use Guide

    ok, stupid question time.. re installed mIRC and decided to give it a shot, got logged into D-C, I have installed invision, but the pdf isn't working to tell me how to use it i've typed !list then !Dolby and been taken into the files, I can type dir ect to get the lists, but no point and click...
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    Welcome the WDW MAGIC Canadian Chapter!! Happy Canucks UNITE!

    Suck Up :lookaroun :lol:
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    Welcome the WDW MAGIC Canadian Chapter!! Happy Canucks UNITE!

    one out of four, still doesn't excuse Celine.
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    please someone help me!
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    Mickey Mishap In Sadct Today!

    The Share A Dream Come True Parade at Magic Kingdom ;)
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