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  1. Nikkiminxy

    Who's Excited for their Next Disney trip? Details and why.

    I'm going in late September for 14 nights with my other half and my little boy who will be 17 months by then. Staying in All-Star Movies (hopefully Toy Story area) in preferred room. We have all our passes, memory maker and magic bands etc ordered. Also scored MNSSHP tickets for 09/29/16 which...
  2. Nikkiminxy

    Birthday cake or cupcakes?

    I'm going for my birthday in September too!! 37 for me, lol! The smaller cake option detailed here just helped us decide what we are doing!!
  3. Nikkiminxy

    Who's going this September(2016)?

    We just miss arrive 21st...shame...
  4. Nikkiminxy

    FP+ query

    Thanks all that makes sense now. My other half is attached on MDE. Trying to loosely plan what FP+ we want to book when we hit 60 days as we are trying to work out best use of hiring a childminder (as we don't know anyone out in the USA and just us two and little one going) so that we can do the...
  5. Nikkiminxy

    FP+ query

    Hi Tom Thanks So my other half will not get 3 on that same day to use in another park? Sorry, it's a bit confusing!
  6. Nikkiminxy

    FP+ query

    hi all Quick one for you, as I think I must still be suffering with baby brain... As I have a WDW resort reservation in September, I can book FP+ 60 days before I go. I know I can make up to 3 selections within the same park that day. Does 1 person make the reservation for the party? I.e. Do...
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