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  1. Tinkerbell Mom

    How Many Days for You? Part 12

    Can't sleep! WooHoo!
  2. Tinkerbell Mom

    Five Days Out from Disney and Tore My Calf Muscle

    Thanks. I am going to try and get an appointment somewhere before we leave. Not sure if I can get in with a specialist that fast but I am beginning to realize that I am probably going to need to see a doctor. If only I could wake up and start the day over.
  3. Tinkerbell Mom

    Five Days Out from Disney and Tore My Calf Muscle

    The thought of using a scooter at Disney is so hard for me! I would really be embarrassed! I am really praying for a miracle. I do know that I won't be walking anywhere the way it feels right now.
  4. Tinkerbell Mom

    Five Days Out from Disney and Tore My Calf Muscle

    I'm so sorry that happen to you! What did they do for your plantar fascia? Was it a long recovery time? I cannot imagine being in a scooter at Disney but as of tonight I can't imagine walking anywhere! What a disappointment!
  5. Tinkerbell Mom

    Five Days Out from Disney and Tore My Calf Muscle

    We leave for our dream Disney trip this Saturday. Today I was stepping up on a bench and heard a loud pop and my calf had extreme pain. I cannot put any pressure on my leg and managed to get through the day by limping and only getting up from my desk when necessary. By googling my symptoms it...
  6. Tinkerbell Mom

    How good is Via Napoli?

    We have never been but have reservations to go on our upcoming trip! I am anxious to see how people respond! I could not decide if I wanted to keep these reservations or cancel! Thanks for posting this!
  7. Tinkerbell Mom

    Unique things - Making a Disney Bucket List!

    The snorkeling looks wonderful but one of my girls says no way! She did not like swimming with the sharks at Typhoon Lagoon at all! Maybe when she gets older! Thanks for the suggestion! I had not seen that event anywhere.
  8. Tinkerbell Mom

    Unique things - Making a Disney Bucket List!

    We are doing the Keys to the Kingdom tour! What fun! Cannot wait!! That sounds really inexpensive to rent a pontoon boat! We are staying at Bay Lake Tower and will definitely check that out! Thank you so much!
  9. Tinkerbell Mom

    Unique things - Making a Disney Bucket List!

    I have never done a run event but that sounds like it would be fun! It would definitely be a slow run for me but I could maintain that pace! We may look into that in the future. Thanks!
  10. Tinkerbell Mom

    How Many Days for You? Part 12

    Trying really hard to....
  11. Tinkerbell Mom

    How Many Days for You? Part 12

    Only TWELVE more days for us! Really getting excited at this point!
  12. Tinkerbell Mom

    Unique things - Making a Disney Bucket List!

    I had no idea you could do that either! Thanks! This is exactly why I started this thread! There are SO many neat things about Disney that I don't know about! Hope more people post! This is so interesting!
  13. Tinkerbell Mom

    Unique things - Making a Disney Bucket List!

    Thank you! I will look into that!
  14. Tinkerbell Mom

    Unique things - Making a Disney Bucket List!

    Thank you so much!! It is helpful to hear from someone that actually did the parasailing and thought it was great! Did you do the double or single riders? I think we are leaning toward the doubles! I did see the Characters in Flight and it is MUCH CHEAPER but the parasailing looks like it...
  15. Tinkerbell Mom

    Unique things - Making a Disney Bucket List!

    We will be staying for eight days! Yay! It's just our family - mom, stepdad, and two daughters. We are staying at Bay lake Towers. We've gone to Disney many times but seems like we always do the same thing - which is GREAT but the girls are almost grown and ready for new adventures...
  16. Tinkerbell Mom

    Unique things - Making a Disney Bucket List!

    What would be on your bucket list of things to do at Disney? This can be anything from eating someplace special, trying a specific snack food you've heard about, events, tours, rides...anything. We are planning a very big celebration and have been going to Disney for years. We want to hear...
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