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  1. dzne4eva

    Castle lights on

    I was stunned and misty-eyed when we saw them Sunday night. We were there for my nephew's birthday and it was just perfect. I look forward to seeing them again next month, spoiled chickie that I am.:p
  2. dzne4eva

    Live from the Epcot Center

    A day like that is the only reason I haven't packed my bags and moved south to work for the Mouse. That and the $12 an hour drop in pay :lookaroun :sohappy: to the hard working cast members.
  3. dzne4eva

    Guess who I met on Vacation??!!!

    That is so cool. We were bummed Mike Lowell couldn't wait two weeks for us to come before he was grand marshall hehe. I love little surprises like that. *greetings from Red Sox nation*:wave:
  4. dzne4eva

    EpcotServo's July 2nd Mini-Update: Mirror, Mirror

    Thanks for the updates, your comments crack me up. It's made a bad morning better.
  5. dzne4eva

    Has anyone ever been walking and noticed characters....

    I was waiting for Captain Jack's Pirate Tutorial when he and a fellow pirate flounced across the Adventureland plaza. He stopped right in front of me and said "You have a cake on your head love" and kept on walking. It was my birthday and I had the Disney birthday hat on. It made my day, he was...
  6. dzne4eva

    "Im Going To Disney World!!!"

    My favorite part is the Colts helmet going through the clouds too. If my Pats couldn't be there I'm glad Adam & his new team won. Can't wait to see him at ESPN the Weekend. :sohappy:
  7. dzne4eva

    High School Musical Started Yesterday at MGM

    I'm really excited about the renewed commitment to live entertainment. It's a great time for those of us that enjoy the shows. I'm 32 and can't wait to see it. :lookaroun Or the pirate tutorial... Dream Along with Mickey... Finding Nemo the Musical...
  8. dzne4eva

    MK Upgrades

    I would add Country Bears to that list. I would be embarrassed that first time visitors see it like that. Or worse, not hear it. All I could hear was the AAs moving and I was in the back row.
  9. dzne4eva

    FREE TIGGER T Shirt????

    Awww, those are awesome! I feel terrible that this happened to an innocent CM who was just trying to make some magic. I'm going to make sure my whole family of 7 will be rocking Tigger t-shirts in February. :sohappy: FREE TIGGER!!!
  10. dzne4eva

    Songs played in Rock N Rollercoaster line..

    I really enjoy "just push play YODELAY" :lol:
  11. dzne4eva

    From mouseplanet, benefit to raise funds for WDW Streetmosphere CM

    Rosie I met her on a backstage tour at Mama Melrose. She noticed I had a sunburn and put olive oil on me to get rid of the sting, old family remedy. Worked like a charm and she left a big red lipstick mark on my cheek. A lovely woman, I'll pray for a full recovery and a fantastic showing for...
  12. dzne4eva

    'Cars' characters - pics from 5/6/06

    Thanks for posting, I can't wait to see them in person. So cute!
  13. dzne4eva

    Hidden Yeti?

    I noticed it the first time I saw it lit at night. Intentional or not it's bloody cool.
  14. dzne4eva

    Pooh on the sidewalk

    Hip Hip Hooray for our Pooh Bear! :sohappy: I must get my picture with that.
  15. dzne4eva

    Universal is sooo jealous!

    All I know is I want to kick those little brats hard. You don't deserve to go anywhere you snots. Grrr.
  16. dzne4eva

    Stitch's Great Mistake?

    I'm sorry but I don't understand the complaints about the script. The show is just like the beginning of the movie, pre Lilo. He's nasty and he was created to offend. Stitch and Lilo are flawed and outsiders, neither of them are "nice". I'll agree the end does need work though. Elvis should come...
  17. dzne4eva

    EE Spoiler - Look and Feel

    That music makes it, it is incredible! I'm so excited to ride now. Thanks for the effort. :sohappy:
  18. dzne4eva

    No Christmas Parade broadcast in Orlando

    In Boston Ch. 5 is showing it at 3AM Monday morning so set those VCRs and/or alarm clocks! Merry Christmas everyone and a hug to anyone who doesn't get the parade in their market.:xmas:
  19. dzne4eva

    Trashcans of WDW

    Cute. This is sad though, I can't decide which trashcan I like best. :drevil: So many choices...
  20. dzne4eva

    Your Most Embarrassing Disney Moment!! (LETS GO, BE HONEST NOW)

    Last August I was eating with my family when the gentleman next to me started to wipe my butt with a napkin. He had taken a bite of his hot dog and the mustard landed on my shorts. I had no idea any of this happened until I heard a quiet "excuse me" from him as he tried to clean it off. It was...
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