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  1. mrerk

    Anybody use Happy Limo lately?

    I don't know who could with one vehicle, other than Mears. You would need a mini-bus or multiple vehicles for a party of 15.
  2. mrerk

    Anybody use Happy Limo lately?

    I'm always partial to one of our board sponsors, which in this case is: :animwink:
  3. mrerk

    Unable to book at Le Cellier 9/23-929?

    Someone said in another thread that LeCellier wasn't loaded into the system beyond 9/24. :shrug:
  4. mrerk

    What Items Have You Left?

    Just most of my disposable income. :rolleyes: And I have seen many people (though I have no first hand knowledge) lose their dignity trying to drink around World Showcase. Another Mass. hole checking in.
  5. mrerk

    Crazy Comments: Perceptions of Disney from a non-Disney Person

    Back when the Disney vacation video came on VHS you would get different videos based on how you answered the questions they asked. There was a family one, a grandparents one, one for couples without kids (honeymooners, empty nesters) etc. and maybe a couple more. I don't know why they got away...
  6. mrerk

    It appears as if Magic Kingdom is the only dry park now

    Malibu + dole whip = awesome. :slurp:
  7. mrerk

    Photos - Storybook Circus soft opening

    Love the Carolwood references at the train station. Are the restrooms in the same place, or rebuilt elsewhere. If so, where?
  8. mrerk

    Yaaahoooooo we passed ROFR...!!!!

    Congrats! What resort and how much per point? Just curious what they are letting through ROFR.
  9. mrerk

    Obama visit, Hollywood Studios Fireworks, and EMH Changes

    I would fully expect metal detectors. We went to the Daytona 500 one year (2004, I think) and GWB was there. Everyone went through metal detectors.
  10. mrerk

    Obama visit, Hollywood Studios Fireworks, and EMH Changes

    From the Sentinel article: "Air Force One is expected to land at Orlando International Airport at 11:40 a.m. Thursday and the president's motorcade will take him directly to Disney World. He will leave Central Florida less than three hours later, at 2:15 p.m." Counting travel to and from...
  11. mrerk

    Obama: I'm going to Disney World

    In case anyone planned on visiting the MK Thursday:,0,1018781.story
  12. mrerk

    Do you know of any WDW resorts that famous people have stayed in?

    WE stayed at the GF for our wedding and honeymoon. This was during the grand opening for AK in 1998. Sir Anthony Hopkins was in the room directly above us. Drew Carey was also staying at the GF, though I don't know where. He must have been in the concierge area since we saw him in the concierge...
  13. mrerk

    I-Drive to WDW by public transport?

    I've never done this personally, but it can be done. I know I've seen Lynx busses on property. Once you are on property you can use Disney transportation. The #50 bus and the #111 bus look promising if you can get to Sea World.
  14. mrerk

    Persian Resort site

    Mostly backstage support areas for AK. Further north there is the tree farm, bus maintenance, trash/recycling transfer station and some of the wastewater treatment facilities.
  15. mrerk

    Where are the call centers?

    I don't think that is a reservations call center, but it is where the resort operators are.
  16. mrerk

    Losing points on a waitlist up to 7 days before?

    As long as you are transferring one reservation for another you won't lose any points. If you were to cancel between 30 and 1 day your points would go into holding status, which means they can only be used on a reservation that is 60 days or less out and within you current use year. If your new...
  17. mrerk

    Free 'in-room' wireless internet starting at most Walt Disney World Resorts today

    Sorry, I had to laugh at this. :ROFLOL: Remember when we were switching our 14.4 modems for 28.8 and then 56k and how blazingly fast that seemed? BTW, we had the free wireless at VWL in early October, just before it was publicly announced. Just happened to stumble on it. Never thought to do a...
  18. mrerk

    DVC member Christmas Party outside Epcot???

    I just read this on another site: ( Arrangements have been finalized for the 2011 edition of the Merry Member Mixer, scheduled to run for four weeks beginning in late-November. The Merry Member Mixer is experiencing another change in venue for 2011. For many years the...
  19. mrerk

    Shootin Arcade coming back or not?

    Us too. It's ben closed for our last 2 trips. October 1 was the original scheduled reopen.'-Arcade-closing-today-to-begin-4-month-refurbishment.htm
  20. mrerk

    Motorcycle Rentals

    Orlando Harley Davidson has 3 locations in the area. The closest one is on 192. They also have a store in DTD, but it is retail only.
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