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  1. mrerk

    New Castaway Club Gift

    I'd love to have/buy a backpack if anyone has a spare.:)
  2. mrerk

    DME Bus in Winter Park

    Test drive? The Mears bus depot is only a few miles from Winter Park.
  3. mrerk

    Driving from NH

    Interesting idea. I've never thought of taking the Pike all the way out to 87. We've usually gone Pike to 84 to 81.
  4. mrerk

    Driving from NH

    I4 is really hit or miss. If it is an off peak time it is definately the most direct way. If you are near peak times I would probably go I4 to Sanford and pick up 417. 95 to SR50 or 528 will add at least an hour or 2.
  5. mrerk

    Magic Kingdom Bus Loop expansion

    No, they get a van or mini coach. But they get dropped off at the TTC, not the front gate. BTW, the homes start at $1.7 million.
  6. mrerk

    Magic Kingdom Bus Loop expansion

    No stop for Golden Oak? You would think for the money those folks are spending they could do better than a TTC dropoff. Or maybe they are waiting for Four Seasons to open.
  7. mrerk

    DVC Booths..Why So Many?

    and the free stickers
  8. mrerk

    Decent Supermarkets off Property

    We gave up on Goodings years ago. We were willing to pay the prices but the quality started slipping. We also tried a Winn Dixie on 535 a couple times. We then found the Publix at the end on International Drive South, but that one evidently closed and the one in front of Celebration replaced it...
  9. mrerk

    Decent Supermarkets off Property

    We go to the Publix near Celebration. It's probably 10 minutes or so from OKW.
  10. mrerk

    Why are the park hours so short?

    Unfortunately, that is how you have to play the game now. All you can do is plan with the info you have now and adjust as the hours get updated. I do find it odd that the hours aren't later for that week. Typically the week before and the week after Easter are extended. I would guess the hours...
  11. mrerk

    Port or Starboard?

    So they typically pull into the dock at CC? It seems I have seen some pics of the ship backed in, but maybe I am misreading the pic.
  12. mrerk

    A few questions...never cruised before!

    I never had any desire to visit Nassau, but I love factory tours.
  13. mrerk

    Port or Starboard?

    Is there any reason to select a stateroom on one side over the other?
  14. mrerk

    Question about DVC stay

    I don't think KTTW will ever completely go away, even when the Magic Bands are fully implemented. But it does bring up an interesting point. If you are renting points will the Magic Band still indicate that the renter is a member?
  15. mrerk

    Question about DVC stay

    Typically a KTTW card is sufficient for pool hopping. Since you are staying on a members points your KTTW card should say "DVC Member", so you should be OK. Either way, you are entitled to use the Stormalong Bay pool. As stated above you cannot hop to Jambo House, Kidani, Bay Lake Tower and I am...
  16. mrerk

    Sheriff at Animal Kingdom Lodge

    The All Star resorts and the WWoS are in Osceola County. Pretty much everything else is in Orange.
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