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  1. TheIndoorKid

    AstroOrbiter Refurb 2019

    If they bring back free tortillas, I'm good with it.
  2. TheIndoorKid

    Universal Studios Florida vs Islands of Adventure

    I had to go USF. I really love ET, Mummy, and Diagon Alley (Though I think FJ is better than Gringott's. I like like Diagon better than Hogsmeade) Though, I guess I forgot that USF has Supercharged and Fallon...maybe I should change my vote.
  3. TheIndoorKid

    Glitter-farting troll at Universal Orlando

    I will never see the Troll movies. I probably would hate the Troll movies. I do not care about the Trolls. However, glitter farting Troll will forever and always have my full support. Next time I am at the park, I will even stop at Guest Services to say how much I love the Troll. It is amazing...
  4. TheIndoorKid

    New World of Dreams VIP tour

    Put. The. Churro. Down. Churros are for closers.
  5. TheIndoorKid

    Leaving on COP

    You can only flush when the rotation is complete and the pipes line up.
  6. TheIndoorKid

    News Buzzy’s been stolen?

    My guy, if you have information just share it and move along. This whole "disagreeing with every single thing posted just to be vague" shtick is old. Move on.
  7. TheIndoorKid

    News Buzzy’s been stolen?

    To be honest, I'm surprised it took 85 pages for this reference to show up hahaha
  8. TheIndoorKid

    News Buzzy’s been stolen?

    Um. Wow. A lot to unpack here. This thread is a dumpster fire.
  9. TheIndoorKid

    News Buzzy’s been stolen?

    So it's chill to you if someone urban explores your home as long as they don't burgle you? Is that correct? Technically, the Disney company as a whole is the victim of a crime when someone trespasses, so it's not as victimless as you're trying to make it sound.
  10. TheIndoorKid

    News Buzzy’s been stolen?

    Well, I're the one saying he was an idiot lol
  11. TheIndoorKid

    News Buzzy’s been stolen?

    Correct, we just know that they were presumably sold. Still no word on where they could be.
  12. TheIndoorKid

    News Buzzy’s been stolen?

    Well, now the pieces are starting to fall in the place. Or am I supposed to be commenting on the validity of inside sources still? I've lost track at this point.
  13. TheIndoorKid

    News Buzzy’s been stolen?

    I mean, we're all having a laugh, right? Obviously, Nicolas Cage stole the thing.
  14. TheIndoorKid

    News Buzzy’s been stolen?

    I really hope Backdoor Disney leaks that video/audio.
  15. TheIndoorKid

    News Buzzy’s been stolen?

    Buzzy is gone! How extreme do these circumstances need to be??
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