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  1. Black Pearl

    Entertaining things I've discovered at Disney that aren't on the brochure

    Once heard a scolding male voice yell at someone else angrily because they were "butt naked in front of the world" at AKL on a balcony. Looked around, didn't see anything though.
  2. Black Pearl

    Eddie Sotto's take on the current state of the parks (Part II)

    Eddie, thanks for the input and time you have put into these discussions. I've only just discovered them and am fascinated. I was a former entertainment cast member that left for film and TV, and still have a fondness for Disney... So much so that my wife and I were married at WDW nearly a...
  3. Black Pearl

    Difference between Disney booking and 3rd party question

    If I book through a 3rd party website (orbitz, travelocity, etc) and only want a hotel deal, will I have any difference in experience when it comes to how my vacation is handled? More specifically, we aren't concerned with tickets as we have APs and the dining is a better deal without the...
  4. Black Pearl

    leaving WDW

    It says the author of this thread was banned.... Why?
  5. Black Pearl

    "Larger Sized Guest" Worry -Help..

    Was a fat kid that lost it and shaved it to muscle later in life, so I know the drill. Enjoy the parks safely and do what makes you feel comfortable! Cheers to all here discussing losing the weight... You can do it if you want to and take the steps. May take time and may seem uphill, but it is...
  6. Black Pearl

    MK Little Mermaid in 3D canceled

    Best 3D post conversion blu-ray in my home theater is by far Jurassic Park 3D. Not Disney, but just putting that out there for anyone looking for material
  7. Black Pearl

    Expedition Everest effects status watch

    Yeti doesn't work yes, but why does all the merch being sold depict the Yeti as snowball white, when the broken one is more of an Ewok brown? The continuity is even broken :(
  8. Black Pearl

    Disney with five people

    Sounds like a job for the Thunderdome...
  9. Black Pearl

    characters sign my drawings

    When I was in entertainment there I would occasionally get gifts from people like this. Children and adults would draw pictures, or make things and give them to us. Once a little boy bought a pez dispenser at a gift shop and gave it to me... It was adorable. It's really cool and I kept all of...
  10. Black Pearl

    My Magic + details ...

    I honestly don't see how everyone is even going to understand or take part in fast pass+ once it fully rolls out. Not everyone is tech savvy, or even trip savvy.... a reason people have travel agents. As fine as I am, I know several people that will not know how to mess with it. This just...
  11. Black Pearl

    Why Hollywood Studios is being rebuilt

    Holy cow this thread is LONG! I want to read and catch up on everything, but after the first few pages I just wanted the cliff notes ;)
  12. Black Pearl

    Celebrating 1st Anniversary... Ideas?

    I married my wife late last year at Disney World, and we decided that an obvious thing to do would be to go back for our first anniversary. We get down to FL and go to WDW typically every other month or so, so it isn't as though we never go. My open box for suggestions is what are some cool...
  13. Black Pearl

    6/25/13 - The Day Spectro Died... Sorry guys..

    Having been IN Spectro, this makes me sad.
  14. Black Pearl

    Is it possible to avoid characters at Disney?

    Probably the best way to handle it is to make custom T-shirts that say: "Do not talk to, or approach me" and surround yourself with other people from your group while you are in the center.
  15. Black Pearl

    My most embarrassing moment at Disney, Share yours!

    Another fun story involved going with someone that was using a motorized scooter, as they had recently had heart surgery and were taking it easy. Not wanting to stay in that the whole time, they asked if I'd drive it for a bit so they could stretch their legs. Long story short, I'm driving it up...
  16. Black Pearl

    Maelstrom refurbished!

    lol, everytime my wife and I ride she gets to hear me go to into viking mode shouting about how "Thar be Oil refineries over thar! Beyond the trolls!"
  17. Black Pearl

    Maelstrom refurbished!

    This ride has the most depressing ending. From awesome adventures with Vikings, trolls, and bears to.... BP oil refineries?
  18. Black Pearl

    I met a really strange chap at Disney, have you?

    Loved this story lol. What makes me think it isn't a CM is the army and immigrant part though. I saw a really skinny and flamboyantly dressed man that looked like Tobias from Arrested Development in cut off shorts dancing hilariously at DTD once. My wife wondered if he was a street performer...
  19. Black Pearl

    VIDEO - Rainforest Cafe testing spectacular volcano fireball effects

    I think its cool but am I the only one that gets a little freaked out at this? Seems like something that could go wrong easily.
  20. Black Pearl

    Nintendo Wii U tour arrives at Downtown Disney starting today

    I really enjoy my Wii U and only complain at the lack of titles. System itself is solid Nintendo fun.
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