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  1. Ella's Mommy

    Favorite WDW resort activity?

  2. Ella's Mommy

    Anyone Need Not So Scary Tickets for 10/04/07?

    That was big of you. I dont think I've witnessed such a nice gesture after being mean ever on this board!!
  3. Ella's Mommy

    walmart in wdw area

    Gooding is quite possibly the most expensive supermarket I've ever been too. But it is good in a pinch. When we were down in Jan my nieces bday was the day we got there so I was able to go over and pick up a really cute Little Mermaid cake. Of course I paid $22 dollars for an 8 inch cake but...
  4. Ella's Mommy

    Wand threads reach new level of silliness.

    This is not news or a rumour.
  5. Ella's Mommy

    4 More Days!!!!

    Okay!!! I'm totally jel of you too!!! Although I cant fathom driving to Dis. When the day comes for us to leave I cant wait to get to the airport. 20+ hours would do me in. HAVE A FREAKIN BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sohappy: And dont forget to report:wave:
  6. Ella's Mommy

    Craft Project! Ear-alteration!

    Merf!!! You have out done yourself!!!!! I want a pair!!!! Your really creative:sohappy:
  7. Ella's Mommy

    Wand Lovers

    Nicely put. I see your point. The wand is a bit much, but I do like the Epcot sign. They should have just opted for the sign with no wand.
  8. Ella's Mommy

    Wand Lovers

    So because of a stupid wand you would have never entered the park? That is utterly ridiculous. And last time I looked Mickey wasn't sitting on top of the geosphere it was just his arm and a wand. There is really nothing "Vegas" about the wand.
  9. Ella's Mommy

    Wand Lovers

    Lets face it the geosphere is boring to look at. I have been going to Disney for a long time. I've been to epcot with and without the wand. The wand hating thing comes from all the Epcot "nerds" that hate change. Dont miss undersatnd me I'm no trying to be mean. I am "nerd" myself. There is...
  10. Ella's Mommy

    I just want some icecream....

    You forgot the place on the side near the teacups just round the corner from Winnie!!!!!! I am totally with you there!!!!I would opt for frozen lemonade before IC any day.
  11. Ella's Mommy

    For anyone going through Disney withdrawl!!!

    At 9:00pm eastern on the Travel Channel they will be airing the Walt Disney World Resort hour special. Of course it nothing new if you have already seen it, but it always makes me feel better when I'm missing home:cry: :wave: Cant wait for Sept!!!!!!! at the POLY!!!!!!!!
  12. Ella's Mommy

    Live from MK for the special edition Fantasy in the Sky

    Well atleast you guys got fireworks!!!! Philly just canceled them due to the rain!!! We also had a crappy performance by Hall and Oates. They are my fav and they didnt do Private Eye!!!!!
  13. Ella's Mommy

    July 4th MK Fireworks preview

    I agree too. I would make a special trip to MK just for the fireworks. Dont bother trying to ride anything, cause its gonna be nuts!!!!:sohappy:After the fireworks I would walk over to the contemporary and have dinner or sit at the Outer Rim and have a soda and chill out with my family.
  14. Ella's Mommy

    Does everyone in the room have to be on Dining Plan?

    This is not exactly true. During my Jan trip I had one of my cousins friends decided the night before that he wanted to go on the trip. Since we already had space in the boys room I did not add him to the package. When we got there he purchased a parkhopper from MK and paid for his own meals...
  15. Ella's Mommy

    Woman caught smoking at WL...

    My question is why would you only take $500 dollars to Disney? Especially with kids?:ROFLOL: I take more than that and thats just for me.
  16. Ella's Mommy

    Woman caught smoking at WL...

    Balconies should be okay but in the case of WL they are so close together that its impossible to not offend your neighbor. I was at one time a smoker:brick: But have since seen the error of my ways. I have stayed at WL and smoked on the balcony with the sliding door shut and making sure no one...
  17. Ella's Mommy

    OMG only 7 days to go!!!! How long for you??

    I'm not going until Sept 13th:cry: but hearing that other people are leaving shortly is still sooooooo exciting. Is that weird? I get excited for them cause I know the feeling they will have once they touch down at MCO or drive through the welcome gate!!!!!!!:wave: :wave: :wave: Have a great...
  18. Ella's Mommy

    Who's dreaming of WDW right now??

    Okay its lunch time so I would be at Columbia House eating chicken fingers with honey mustard sauce. After I scarffed that down I would make everyone rush over to ride HM!!! Ooops forgot it was closed:cry:
  19. Ella's Mommy

    Interesting things to pack...

    Okay I thought that me and my mom were the only weirdo's to do this. On another note we also bring a candle for the bathroom:lookaroun just in case someone decides to stink us out:lol:
  20. Ella's Mommy

    Budget to Remove Wand Approved for this Fall

    I'm with you. I like the wand. I've been to Epcot with it and without it. I vote for with the wand.
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