While on my trip a woman smoked on her balcony at Wilderness Lodge and was caught on camera doing so. She got a $250 fine and was not happy at all about it. My wife spoke with her at one point and she said that if she was fined already she may as well continue to smoke... well... lol... she did it again and again was fined another $250 fine but also this time they removed all her belongings from the room and locked her out. She threw a major fit but promised not to do it again and they allowed her back into the room. I did feel bad though because my wife said that a day after the second fine she over heard the woman talking to her little boy who was asking why she couldnt buy him the stuffed character he wanted and she told him because Mickey took all their money. Now I know it was her own fault but it was heart breaking to hear that her trip was ruined because of such a stupid reason. Personally I never took the chance in smoking in the room or balacony and was quite pleased at how easy it was to gain access to a smoking area, but still feel that the balcony should be ok and outside of that if they wanted to continue fining people for it... the balcony should be a lesser fine like $50 or something like that.