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  1. cat hem

    What resort do you think you'll never stay at?

    I'd never do an All-Star anything. Did POP once and one and done, never again. I did stay at the Poly and I can honestly say I didn't love it as much as I thought I would.
  2. cat hem

    Best Resort Room for Family of 5?!

    We travel with a family of 5 (our "kids" are adults) we stayed very comfortably in the AOA Cars suite. The "kids" loved that we had plenty of space to move around. Our daughter was a CM so one year we did a splurge (at a much reduced rate) at the Tree houses. Now that's a dream come true...
  3. cat hem

    Getting Rid of the Hat Ruin HS Hub?

    I really dislike the DJ thing. At certain times that section of the park is at an impasse. Impossible to get through or around. The music is so loud and un-themparklike just ug! I get the occasional street show type thing. but the all day long thump thump thump....
  4. cat hem

    Should harsher punishments be given to those found with a selfie stick?

    Early Dec. we were on Main Street and a couple of knot heads had their self-centered-stick out in the middle of the street trying to get a shot of themselves with the castle (two feet from a Photopass guy) and two "plainclothes" CM came from out of nowhere and moved them off to the side and gave...
  5. cat hem

    Question for adults attending MNSSHP

    I love the disneybounding idea! We are planning to attend (if I can convince my hubby) but I think going the disneybounding route might just get him into a 'costume'!
  6. cat hem

    Signature Restaurants

    I don't mind kids at restaurants if they're behaving and fairly quiet (I expect some childlike "noise") but for the sake of all that is.... please don't give the kids an electronic device with the volume on high! Headphones please!
  7. cat hem

    The Brazilian tour groups: is Disney taking action?

    So sad. Really if you think about the idea of WDW it's the sights, smells, and Sound! if you're ever there in a "quiet time" you'll notice small things that make WDW so special... like transitional music as you walk into a new "land" the smells of the food, and everything you see. Tour...
  8. cat hem

    Is Stitch's Great Escape REALLY that bad?

    I only go on Stitch late at night when the wait time is minimal. But sit up nice and tall when the restraints come down you'll be much more comfortable!
  9. cat hem

    The best seat is.....

    Any of the "theater" shows I like to sit anywhere it's less crowded. Never pack into the preshow I prefer the door less used.
  10. cat hem

    Kali River Rapids

    OMG I always, always end up being the lucky mope going backwards down the hill into the GIANT wave and get soaked down to my drawers!
  11. cat hem

    One Week Of WDW-Suggestions?

    Actually I find both HS and AK to be 3/4 day parks (depending upon time of year!) using the afternoon(s) to go to DTD or swimming!
  12. cat hem

    Things that make you cry

    parade, any parade just seeing and hearing the band.. and a big blubbery mess when my daughter and her high school band marched... sob..:arghh:
  13. cat hem

    Hidden things to do in the park

    I love reading the posters in the "Tough to Be a Bug" lobby - and of course the carvings on the tree itself.
  14. cat hem

    The Food At Disney Is Awful

    I'm going with my cousin and her hubby. Both first timers. I sat her done and told her all about ADR and what to do (but she had it easy since I'm totally guiding her along) but at one point she did say "is this really necessary?can't we just flyby the seat of our pants?" absolutely not! plan...
  15. cat hem

    The Food At Disney Is Awful

    I think many "first timers" have no idea of the size of WDW. And if they don't do their homework about restaurants or take advice then don't complain! All the crazy guide books out there all point out the best options for families, kids, teens etc. read up!
  16. cat hem

    Does anyone still like Indiana Jones?

    I have mixed feelings about it. We just go if we happen to be there and the line's moving.
  17. cat hem

    Which resort would you most WANT to stay at but haven't?

    I'd love to stay at AK with a savannah view.. sigh...
  18. cat hem

    Trader's Sam's Grog Grotto 21 and over after 8pm

    Just wondering how do they enforce the 21 and over at 8pm. Do they make an announcement and say "all kids get out?" or do they let the parents "finish their drinks" then leave? If parents linger over the drinks the kids could, in theory, be in the bar most of the night!
  19. cat hem

    Contemporary Garden Wing

    Loved staying in the garden wing. Close to pool and we had a first floor room it was great.
  20. cat hem

    Very angry about Fast Pass + choices or lack there of for June 17-20!

    Going to try the new FP system when we go in Oct. I was never the "rope-drop" person (I'm the last one out of the park at 2:00 am!) The one thing I always hated was the guide for the 100+ group feeding the FP machine and watching the return time tick, tick, tick up... UG! won't miss that!
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