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  1. frank2271

    Longest training run before running your first Full Marathon?

    What did the wall feel like for you and how did you handle it in order to finish the race?
  2. frank2271

    Longest training run before running your first Full Marathon?

    Hello everyone, I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. I was talking to a friend of mine who has ran four fulls and he was telling me that "anyone running a full should have run atleast an 18 mile training run before the marathon". I was wondering if that is what you guys think...
  3. frank2271

    What did you do?

    Well, I ran 6 miles and had a great time. No chest problems, thank goodness. It's great to have cooler weather, it's in the mid 50's here in Tampabay. That's chilly down here. Brrrrrrrr.
  4. frank2271

    What did you do?

    Well, I caught the flu, :( I've been laid up for a week. Going out tonight for a short run to see how my chest feels. Losing over a week of training this close to the full in Jan. can't be good. Wish me luck. Frank
  5. frank2271

    Fort Wilderness Barn moving Plans Leaked

    I read that the plans are in pdf form, is there a way someone can post a link to the file. I'd like to take a good look at it. I have mixed feeling about this, I tent camp at FW every January and I don't know how the hundreds or thousands of more guests in FW would look. Imagine the...
  6. frank2271

    Do I go for it ?

    I'll be your third! LOL! Of course you should do it. Your cramps will work themselves out later, and it will all be worth it then. It's funny, now that I am running I look for events where ever I go, it's great to combine a race into a vacation, makes the vacation more memorable.
  7. frank2271

    Am I the only one who thinks Soarin is overrated?

    It's definitely NOT worth the long lines.
  8. frank2271

    Re-looking at the Country Bears

    I completely agree, I like the attraction and would like to see it get a 21st century update. I started a thread a while ago and a lot of people were angry about it. Check it out-
  9. frank2271

    What did you eat???

    Wow, I thought I was the only one like this. I'm ALWAYS early, I hate to be late. I also hate waiting for others. Why does it seem that no one out there tries to be on time? I'm trying to teach my teenage son to be early too. Back on topic, I try to get atleast one pasta meal in at 36...
  10. frank2271

    Training transition from 13 miles to 26 miles, I have questions.... Help please.

    It can get pretty consuming. I try to keep it to myself unless asked. And I get asked a lot, surprisingly.
  11. frank2271

    Training transition from 13 miles to 26 miles, I have questions.... Help please.

    I'm in the same boat as you, I wish us both luck. LOL! I also have run two halfs, W&D and Princess (with my wife). Just the thought of DOUBLE the length is very daunting, but I'm gonna do it if I have to drag myself across the line.
  12. frank2271

    How do the majority run the Disney half marathons?

    Those are actually great times. Maybe I should try this? I kinda have a thing in my head that tells me that walking is not an option.... I know, weird. You're right about the FL weather being a huge factor. I'm from the Tampa Bay area, poor Rays (sob), and we had some really strange...
  13. frank2271

    Training transition from 13 miles to 26 miles, I have questions.... Help please.

    What a great story, thanks for sharing. Your story echos a few of my other buddies I have talked to, they told me that it doesn't hit you gradually, it slams you all at once. OUCH! :brick: It is all heart after that I guess. Thanks again, Frank
  14. frank2271

    Training transition from 13 miles to 26 miles, I have questions.... Help please.

    "The finish line makes you a much better person than you were at the start." I like that!
  15. frank2271

    Training transition from 13 miles to 26 miles, I have questions.... Help please.

    Thanks for all this great information, I am really interested in others experiences with hitting the wall. How did it feel and what, specifically, did you do to help with the mental challenges?
  16. frank2271

    How do the majority run the Disney half marathons?

    With that 1:1 pace, how long would it take you to do a half? Frank
  17. frank2271

    Training transition from 13 miles to 26 miles, I have questions.... Help please.

    Hi everyone, Can anyone tell me how difficult it will be to transition to a full marathon distance from training for the half? It wasn't too bad going from my training for the 13K last year to the half, I'm hoping that my transition to training for a full marathon will go as smoothly...
  18. frank2271

    Training question???

    I'll be on the Oasis of the Seas for a week in November. I am also a little worried about how my training will be affected since the WDW full is just around the corner. I don't like treads, they make my knees hurt. I have read that the Oasis' track is really nice. It's also quite long since...
  19. frank2271

    What keeps you motivated?

    A friend of mine keeps asking me, "What are you running FROM?" I tell him, "Fat, Disease, Laziness, Diabetes, Heart Attack, Young Death ..... etc, etc" He thinks he's being funny, but after I say one of the above reasons he's not laughing. (Did I mention he's very out of shape?) Frank
  20. frank2271

    Tips and Suggestions for a Running Beginner

    Well, first of all good for you!!!! I will echo some of the other previous posts and say, small steps at first. In the last two years I have lost 60 pounds and in May of 2009 (17 months ago) I could not run for an entire song on my iPod. I remember saying to myself "self, some day I will be...
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