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  1. Philhar-Fanatic

    What makes you cry at WDW?

    There's alot that makes me cry at Disney. Shoot, I've teared up several times just reading this thread! When you wish upon a Star! Seeing our now 12 and 13 year old kids get giddy at different times during the trip. Those moments get fewer and farther between as they get older. When we...
  2. Philhar-Fanatic

    Where are the murphy beds at CBR?

    Ha, sure does. Ooopppsss!! I was kind of wondering why they would ask where the Murphy bed was located. :geek:
  3. Philhar-Fanatic

    Where are the murphy beds at CBR?

    They pull out from the wall. Kind of tucked into the entertainment center, under the tv. Check it out on you tube.
  4. Philhar-Fanatic

    Any popular WDW restaurants you just don't get the appeal of?

    Completely agree with this! It was very underwhelming for dinner!
  5. Philhar-Fanatic

    Any popular WDW restaurants you just don't get the appeal of?

    Stick with the fried chicken and you'll be fine! It's a must do for us every trip!
  6. Philhar-Fanatic

    Advice - what are your top 3 moderate restaurants?

    Assuming by moderate your meaning "one dining credit". Love the chicken at 50's Prime time. Bfst at 1900 Park fare, characters are great but the foods actually good too! Lastly, Wolfgang Puck Express. It's considered a QS, but in my opinion better than many sit downs we've had. Whole menu...
  7. Philhar-Fanatic

    Any popular WDW restaurants you just don't get the appeal of?

    Citrico's for us. We we're all excited about our Anniversary dinner there and the food was good. Service was the worst of the whole trip! Not something I expected from a restaurant that people rave about. Boma was a miss for us too. Nothing was particularly wrong. I just think that...
  8. Philhar-Fanatic

    My 1st Time Planning Observations/Mistakes

    That was exactly my point in defending you. No one is abusing the system, just simply following directions!
  9. Philhar-Fanatic

    My 1st Time Planning Observations/Mistakes

    You win! Not trying to move you anywhere. I think it's unfair for established people on this forum to bully new members of the forum (original poster) into thinking they've done something wrong! Stay classy!!
  10. Philhar-Fanatic

    My 1st Time Planning Observations/Mistakes

    It was used for that purpose! They have 3 young children and it states that in the description on their usage. Is it an advantage, YES. There's is only 4 of us in our family and when they used to give out paper fast passes they'd give us 4. We actually only needed 2. When my kids were young...
  11. Philhar-Fanatic

    My 1st Time Planning Observations/Mistakes

    That sounds awful to me! One of the perks of staying on Disney property is parking your car and not thinking about it again until you leave. We always just allow for a bus wait. We leave our room 1 hour to 50 mins before we plan to be at the park. We've stayed Value, Mod, and last trip...
  12. Philhar-Fanatic

    My 1st Time Planning Observations/Mistakes

    That's a game changer for sure! Our first trip our kids were 5 and 6. I refused to bring a stroller. We practiced walking around the block for months before we went to build strength in their little legs. They were troopers, but when they needed a break...they needed a BREAK!! Another tip...
  13. Philhar-Fanatic

    My 1st Time Planning Observations/Mistakes

    GGeeeezzzzz!!! It's called child swap, not gaming! Might need to familiarize yourself with that practice!!
  14. Philhar-Fanatic

    My 1st Time Planning Observations/Mistakes

    Morning Table Service: We book our bfst at the latest time spot and count it as brunch! This way, we can still utilize those important early hours with little crowd. Size of Parks: I am a FIRM believer in Touring Plans, but I use the "optimize" option. You put in what you want to do at the...
  15. Philhar-Fanatic

    Room upgrade at AKL

    When we were there last March we were pleasantly surprised with a Savanna View upgrade. We didn't have to ask. We paid for pool view and when she showed us our room on the map at check-in, we knew. It was UNBELIEVABLE!!
  16. Philhar-Fanatic

    I really wish I hadn't done that?

    There's has not been a single dinner buffet that we've done that we enjoyed the food at. Chef Mickey, Crystal Palace, Askerhaus, Bomba, Trails End...characters were great at the ones that not so much! But, breakfast 1900 Park Fare and Crystal palace...characters were great and...
  17. Philhar-Fanatic

    I really wish I hadn't done that?

    Upon the return of our 1st trip we discovered...Don't over plan, have a NO PARK TICKET DAY to chill and enjoy resort, don't eat any buffet's except for breakfast, and when your tired...go take a break!! The following 4 trips have been so much more enjoyable!!
  18. Philhar-Fanatic

    HI, my name is BOB and I am a DISNEY WORLD ADDICT..

    Ha, welcome to the club! We're taking the kids skiing this spring break (their 1st time) instead of Disney. It's KILLING me! Taking one for the team on this one! But, looks like March 2016 will be booked very soon after we return!
  19. Philhar-Fanatic

    Advice - Animal Kingdom Lodge

    FANTASTIC!! Exceeded EVERY expectation!!
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