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  1. Obi

    banking points

    thanks for the replies. i thought that was how it worked, but wasn't sure.
  2. Obi

    banking points

    i want to make sure i understand how this works. let's say that i purchase 200 points at okw. i go on a week trip and only use 150 of those points. i'm unable to go back on another trip for the rest of that use year. so, i bank the 50 points. the next year i am able to take another week trip...
  3. Obi

    Favorite Disney Character

    grumpy dwarf.
  4. Obi

    Has anyone ever had any luck with Lost and Found at the resorts?

    on the trip we took, back in september, my dad left his insulin pack at the restaurant we had breakfast in. he didn't notice it until dinner time when he needed to take another shot. the restaurant found it and had it sent over to where we were.
  5. Obi

    DVC as a wedding gift

    i'm hoping that i didn't upset anyone by my original post. my fiance', and i, have been looking into becoming dvc members for a little while now. we were planning on setting up an account to put money into it to save up. well, we've been hearing from many of our friends and family that they...
  6. Obi

    DVC as a wedding gift

    good morning/afternoon all.... as some of you may know, i recently got engaged at wdw. both my fiance', and i, love wdw and are seriously interested in becoming dvc members. i'm currently 42, and.... lol... well, i'm not allowed to say what my fiance's age is. regardless of that, the both of...
  7. Obi

    Heartbreak Hotel..

    good movie, hatter... i can sort of understand how some of these people are going through. i recently got back from our trip to wdw with my mom. she has cancer, for the 4th time, and she pretty much doesn't have much time left. in fact, this may have been her last trip to wdw even though it is...
  8. Obi

    Cancer's not going to stop us PTR/TR

    thank you both. we're hoping these treatments she's been getting, with one more to go, will enable her to have another year or two of life. the rest of us are going to try and figure out a way to get the whole immediate family to go on one last trip. to help bring my mom's wish to a reality...
  9. Obi

    Cancer's not going to stop us PTR/TR

    Saturday - check out day.... we had such a great time during our stay at wdw, but some things do come to an end. our trip had finally reached it's end. we had one more meal left, and that was breakfast at Olivia's in okw resort. we all got together there and had a lovely breakfast. we...
  10. Obi

    Cancer's not going to stop us PTR/TR

    and to complete our mission, here is Hollywood studios...
  11. Obi

    Cancer's not going to stop us PTR/TR

    dinner at chef mickey's.
  12. Obi

    Cancer's not going to stop us PTR/TR

    next stop, animal kingdom....
  13. Obi

    Cancer's not going to stop us PTR/TR

    whoops.... I forgot the pics that leah, and Bianca, took with merida.
  14. Obi

    Cancer's not going to stop us PTR/TR

    next in the day was epcot. this next one is my favorite pic of me in it. I normally don't photograph well. however, this guy got a good pic of me..
  15. Obi

    Cancer's not going to stop us PTR/TR

    here are some pics of the girls with all 4 princesses in fairytale princess hall.
  16. Obi

    Cancer's not going to stop us PTR/TR

    with Cinderella and aurora. Cinderella telling me I did a good job in proposing in front of the castle and that she loved the ring. aurora asking me how many dragons I've slayed to win the hand of the sweet maiden.
  17. Obi

    Cancer's not going to stop us PTR/TR

    magic kingdom on our way over to big thunder we saw these 2 and had to meet them. and on our way over to meet Cinderella, I got a picture with the dwarfs. ok, wish it was the actual characters, but oh well... it was still cool to me.... :)
  18. Obi

    Cancer's not going to stop us PTR/TR

    got a lot of photos coming from Friday.... i'll just start with the morning and work through the day... breakfast at 'ohana....
  19. Obi

    Cancer's not going to stop us PTR/TR

    Friday- the princess/we're on a mission day! Friday... ahhh.. our last full day in wdw... it's also the day where jenn and I would have to ourselves except for breakfast and dinner. we get up in the morning and meet everyone at the bus stop. the girls are dressed up in their princess...
  20. Obi

    Cancer's not going to stop us PTR/TR

    and here are some pics from the woody and buzz m&g.
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