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  1. Disney Maniac


    Great movie! Chalk up another awesome summer flick from Disney (Pearl Harbor the other one)! Anyone else notice how as the movie progresses, Milo takes on a more 'heroic' physique?
  2. Disney Maniac

    Oh Yeah!

    Thanks everybody! It was great to get such a response from all of you guys (and girls)! Summer's off to a great start...I'm still waiting for my report card, though, my school mails them:eek: . Coda's a lot of fun, especially now that she's used to all of us. I showed her all your praise...
  3. Disney Maniac

    Favorite Disney Animated Film

    Jeeez..I can't decide... I love 'em all!!:D :D :D
  4. Disney Maniac

    Wdw Tv

    I'll agree that it's a total waste of time to watch TV while at Disney. Unless, of course, it's the Weather Channel in the morning before you leave, the WDW Resort Channel while unpacking, or ESPN to connect you with the outside world's sports...but it's a better idea to screw that channel and...
  5. Disney Maniac

    Heh heh heh... Stop! Go(.com)! Stop! Go(.com)! It's like red light, green light with little kids...:D
  6. Disney Maniac

    1st Time Flying

    Jay-Rod, It's a good idea to chew gum right before the plane begins its takeoff roll. It'll help your ears adjust to the sudden pressure changes as the aircraft gains altitude. Same thing applies for landing. And it might be a good idea to grab a nap, depending on when your flight leaves...
  7. Disney Maniac

    hottest animated girl/guy

    Hrmm...the hottest girl is either Ariel of Jessica Rabbit.
  8. Disney Maniac

    It's Lightbeers Birthday!

    Happy Birthday, Lightbeer! Actually, I really don't care that it's your birthday. I'm just using this as an oppurtunity to up my post count by one!:D :D . LOL. Just kidding! Have a good one!
  9. Disney Maniac

    Check-In Age?

    Does anyone know what the minimum check-in age is? I heard that it was 16 as long as there was written consent from the parents/legal guardians who made the reservations. I also heard that 16 was the minimum age to stay in a room unaccompanied. Honestly, I don't know what to think of this...
  10. Disney Maniac


    Nice clips, popkid! I agree, riding up front with the pilot is a blast!
  11. Disney Maniac

    The Land

    Does anyone remember the show that was in place before "Food Rocks?" You know, the Kitchen Caberet show, with "Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit?" That was so much better. More entertaining, educational, and funnier...of course, when I saw it last, I was, like, 9 years old or something, so what do I...
  12. Disney Maniac

    Inventor of the year

    The comedy troupe IS Monty Python :D :D .
  13. Disney Maniac

    disney cell phone ring tones!?!

    I've got a Nokia 5180. Anyone got a clue how to add tones to that?:confused: :confused:
  14. Disney Maniac

    Oh Yeah!

    Okay, guys. Here is a pic of Coda I took this morning before we gave her her first bath. :)
  15. Disney Maniac

    Which best describes Walt Disney World?

    Okay, obviously this was a bad question, and by extension, a bad thread, so I apologize to everybody for wasting your time responding to a stupid question.
  16. Disney Maniac

    Inventor of the year

    Okay sillyspook13, now, can you tell me the name of the gentleman who plays Nigel? As a bonus, what TV sitcom does he have an occassional role in and what comedic troupe was he once a member of?
  17. Disney Maniac

    Wdw Tv

    Hrm...I wonder if there is a way we could all pirate the channels? :)
  18. Disney Maniac

    Illuminations 1997

    Just wanted to know if anyone else out their noticed that about 7 minutes into Illuminations 1997, the opening of Ponticelli's "Pine's of Rome" is played. This is part of the same piece that is played in Fantasia 2000. From what a friend told me, Disney put that piece in Illuminations to...
  19. Disney Maniac

    rct !!!

    Kontra, I think the coaster building game you're thinking of is simply called "Roller Coaster." I have's a great game...the interface could use a little work, but it's fun to look at models of some famous (and made-up) roller coasters, like Disneyland's Matterhorn.
  20. Disney Maniac

    Music @ Epcot

    I love Off Kilter! Their music is so good! I also like Mariachi Cobre in Mexico and Matsuriza in Japan. And, even though its not music, the Statues in France are a lot of fun to watch.
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