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  1. smk

    Trip Report Finally back home. That is my WDW home.

    Reading along too! Trip reports are my only Disney fix this year so I am savoring every one I can!
  2. smk

    Trip Report Finally back home. That is my WDW home.

    following and loving...
  3. smk

    Cabins at fort wilderness pros... Over AoA

    I vote cabins too! Hope to book them for our October vacation, can't wait to go back to FW!
  4. smk

    Trip Report Honey, I Blew Up The Magic Band (Completed!!)

    Loving the report!! Today, after counting the days until I make our next reservation, I have been down. I feel like I want to get in the car and escape to WDW! Instead, I got on the computer and escaped into your report, thanks!!
  5. smk

    Trip Report $150 for 11 days

    Eat something please!
  6. smk

    Pre-Trip Ready to Show our Disney Side Without 'Em

    Have fun! We have taken MANY trips without our kids and they always pop into my head when I know they would enjoy something. Now our kids are old enough to have their own families and they still guilt me about going without them! I just tell them to save and maybe one day they will get there...
  7. smk

    What's your next resort to try?

    I just talked my my daughter on my way home from work tonight and I don't care what resort I stay in BUT I AM GOING IN SEPTEMBER NO MATTER WHAT!! It could be Sports, where we love or it could be anywhere, don't care, just going! Not missing out on another year. Taking my grandchildren too, I...
  8. smk

    Crowds galore at WDW last week.

    This may well be my next new favorite time to go. Our Grandson has a November 14th birthday and before he gets too old to take out of school we plan to take him for his birthday. We have another grandbaby due in mid April and we already know that will be an awful time to visit! We normally go in...
  9. smk

    Crowds galore at WDW last week.

    Fall break for schools. Schools here in Indiana are on what they call "balanced" schedules, meaning fall break is two weeks, Christmas break is two weeks etc... so more people choose to travel on those longer breaks. I know a bazillion people who went to WDW last week and the week before, all...
  10. smk

    Trip Report Disneyland by way of Alaska

    I went on RnRC the very same way, being talked into to it by little old ladies and young kids. I thought I was going to die, I think I stopped breathing on the ride, and I cried and shook for hours after! My oldest daughter who was on this vacation with me was so apologetic! She kept saying...
  11. smk

    Trip Report Disneyland by way of Alaska

    LOVING this report!!
  12. smk

    Poll on scooter

    Speaking as a wife of a guy who needs to rent an EVC but has not wanted to in the past....Rent one and stay where you are most comfortable. I am miserable when he is in pain and I feel like I cut short my days and focus all my attention to him, making sure he does not need to sit and rest. I...
  13. smk

    Trip Report Our Wonder-ful October 2014 cruise and Magic Kingdom day

    Can't wait to read all about it!! Hope you had a good time!
  14. smk

    AoA and Showers

    Showers are in the bathroom building at every resort I have stayed at.
  15. smk

    Trip canceled... what to do with MNSSHP tickets?

    I bet someone on this forum will in box you and buy them...wait a day or so if you can.
  16. smk

    Received a PIN today...what to do what to do

    I got a PIN code today today. Frustrating because I am not sure we can it! I am going to try tho!
  17. smk

    Surprised by Contemporary Hotel rooms

    I know I would have said something on the spot, to the front desk. Taking time away from your vacation is not fun, and Disney knows that. I would asked to be moved to a room without problems, if not there then somewhere. If that could not be accomplished I would ask for a simple deduction off...
  18. smk

    Advice: 16 night stay!

    Because you are going at such a busy time 16 days will allow you not to feel rushed. The hotel is up to you.
  19. smk

    Am I crazy!

    Why not wait until next week when they are out of school? Or did I misread the statement? Anyway, your kids, your money, go with what feels right to your family. I know a zillion people there right now cause our schools are on fall break for two weeks, could be really crowded!
  20. smk

    Christmas Trip!

    IF you got to FW for Hoop Dee Doo then make sure to stroll around the campsites and look at the decorations! People go all out to decorate their sites and cabins, it is so beautiful.
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