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  1. Vince3

    WDW being forgotten by execs?

    Why all the complaining? After all,WDW did received a old/new parade & a old/new attraction at Epcot. Plus, they just changed the name of the TTA to TTAPeopleMover! Fer christsakes what more do you want?! Oh, one more thing: WDW also added to ticket prices ! They just keep on giving!
  2. Vince3

    MSEP vs. SpectroMagic....

    SpectoMagic for me.MSEP is second rate.
  3. Vince3

    Mary Poppins

    No love for Uma!? ________________!!! LOL! Zurgandfriend, good choices though. You can get some Mary merchandise at the online Disney store.
  4. Vince3

    Mary Poppins

    LOL! Search my posts! I've been saying this for years.I think that it has something to do w/MP's rights. Btw, I would love to see a remake starring Uma Thurman as Mary!
  5. Vince3

    AP unfair

    LOL! Sorry dude,I was supposed to add an exclamation & smiley face as well! Was distracted when I was typing! Good sense of humor!
  6. Vince3

    AP unfair

    I from Florida & pay for my family's AP.'s upfront,as do many other Fl. AP holders. You must be one of those ignorant Little-10 fans.
  7. Vince3

    Spectromagic vs. Main Street Electrical Parade?

    Agreed! I've said before that the music from MSEP sounds like outtakes from an old Emerson,Lake & Palmer album. SpectroMagic ,hands down for my vote.
  8. Vince3

    Epcot WS Drunks

    No hang with alcohol at all. Just with people who cant handle their 's around kids. Personally I dont like beating up drunks!
  9. Vince3

    Epcot WS Drunks

    Well said! Agreed!
  10. Vince3

    Epcot WS Drunks

    Is it me or has anyone else noticed more intoxicated people at WS since the closing of PI? At our 4th of July stay I couldn't help notice more people walking around pie-eyed.Not cool when there are a lot of kids present.
  11. Vince3

    Does Michael Jackson belong at WDW?

    I'm kinda torn on this.I can respect MJ as a performer,but not as a quality person.Since EO is in a family theme park,I would have to go with no.
  12. Vince3

    Fire in the MSEP building last Friday

    I tweeted on this .We were staying at the CR(9thfloor).Right after the fireworks, RCFD trucks raced down Wd , past CR into the workers area.From my vantage point ,we could see flames coming from somewhere behind MK.I didn't see or hear anything on this so I that it was nothing of concern.
  13. Vince3

    Captain EO Soft Open To Public Today

    Seen EO couple of times this weekend. When it was first released I though it was great.Now it seems really dated...which of course it is.More nostalgic than anything.First time views will wonder what all the fuss is about.
  14. Vince3

    MSEP will stay past Nightastic

    I've seen MSEP over the last couple of nights. To be honest, I prefer Spectro over MSEP . The floats were nice but the music was not. Music sounded like out takes from an old Emerson,Lake & Palmer album. I hope that SpectroMagic will be back in time for Xmas.
  15. Vince3

    Impressions de France

  16. Vince3

    Next Generation Fastpass?

    So far I like the new fp idea . Nothing wrong with extra perks for staying on property. App for IPhone would be cool.
  17. Vince3

    TTA Audio Alterations

    My thoughts exactly. Maybe they will also add the "now approaching" bits.
  18. Vince3

    Cracker Barell ALWAYS before Disney!

    Meh, the only time I eat at a CB is when I'm constipated !
  19. Vince3


    Oakley or Reef's flip flops . Very comfortable. As far as sneakers go, I go with Adidas Bounce.
  20. Vince3

    2011 Dining Plan Changes?

    Yeah, I agree with you. I can't understand the hate for DDP. We have saved a ton of money with our trips.
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