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  1. TurboCaroline

    American Idol Guessing Game - Season 9

    I'm going to say Casey only because it is Shania Twain week and I think Aaron may do good..:shrug:
  2. TurboCaroline

    American Idol Guessing Game - Season 9

  3. TurboCaroline

    Happy Birthday brkgnews

    Happy Birthday Jackie!
  4. TurboCaroline

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY tiggerific418

    Happy Belated Birthday!!
  5. TurboCaroline

    American Idol Guessing Game - Season 9

    All the teeny bopper girls that can send a bazillion text messages in a minute...:lol:
  6. TurboCaroline

    American Idol: Season 9

    Bottom 3 Andrew Aaron Katie??? I think Andrew and Aaron are going home tonight...but who knows...:shrug:
  7. TurboCaroline

    Happy Birthday, GoofyDadKB!

    Happy Birthday!
  8. TurboCaroline

    American Idol: Season 9

    Yeah I think all of us would have been screwed since I think mostly everyone had him near the top...
  9. TurboCaroline

    American Idol: Season 9

    What did Ellen say...that the bag piper looked like he lost his parade...:ROFLOL: I love Ellen!
  10. TurboCaroline

    American Idol: Season 9

    I'm with you...that sucks!!
  11. TurboCaroline

    American Idol: Season 9

    Me too...:lol:
  12. TurboCaroline

    American Idol: Season 9

    I agree except for Siobhan. I think it will be Katie since she was in it last week but who knows..:shrug:
  13. TurboCaroline

    American Idol: Season 9

    I would say Tim instead of Katie but he is the one on Vote For The Worst so that may get him some votes...:shrug:
  14. TurboCaroline

    American Idol: Season 9

    Only Crystal and Siohban....Mike was pretty good...everyone else was not that great....Paige what were you thinking..:brick: Ugh is it that hard to pick a song!!!! I think I made the mistake putting her at #5 in the guessing game...:mad:
  15. TurboCaroline

    American Idol: Season 9

    Top 3 Siobhan Michael Lee Bottom 3 Lacey (needs to go) Katie Tim Was it just me or were the judges not as harsh as they usually are?
  16. TurboCaroline

    American Idol Guessing Game - Season 9

    1. Siobhan 2. Michael 3. Crystal 4. Lee 5. Paige 6. Tim 7. Casey 8. Andrew 9. Katie 10. Aaron 11. Didi 12. Lacey I am hoping Paige gets it together...:lookaroun
  17. TurboCaroline

    American Idol: Season 9

    I'm a little shocked by the results last night...Aaron and Katie didn't deserve it. I hope Paige can pick the right song because she has a really good voice...Can she pick a good Rolling Stones song though?? I thought Lily would have made it further but oh well...
  18. TurboCaroline

    American Idol: Season 9

    By Casey James??:drevil:
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