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  1. W

    Trip Report The Holiday Humdinger *COMPLETED*

    Highly recommend the Cobb salad with Creamy Salsa dressing.
  2. W

    Trip Report The Holiday Humdinger *COMPLETED*

    She can calculate the AP discount on any item or room. But converting temps? ....
  3. W

    Trip Report I Vowed Never Again ~ Yet Here We Are! *COMPLETED*

    Tomato plants arrived today.
  4. W

    Trip Report I Vowed Never Again ~ Yet Here We Are! *COMPLETED*

    That's a not very subtle way of indicating the driver prefers their tips in cash. When I see that in an Uber or cab, I usually send a not so subtle message by not giving them a tip. ;)
  5. W

    Trip Report I Vowed Never Again ~ Yet Here We Are! *COMPLETED*

    You always look beautiful to me, hat or no hat.
  6. W

    Trip Report I Vowed Never Again ~ Yet Here We Are! *COMPLETED*

    It is standard family procedure to avoid @Tuvalu's competitive nature if possible. Less crying that way.
  7. W

    Trip Report I Vowed Never Again ~ Yet Here We Are! *COMPLETED*

    I hope the cast member answered, "the Alps".
  8. W

    Trip Report I Vowed Never Again ~ Yet Here We Are! *COMPLETED*

    We will be following along during coffee and tuna breaks.
  9. W

    Trip Report No Sounds Like Summer? We'll JOURNEY Anyway! *COMPLETED*

    This job probably pays more if you factor in the money @Tuvalu would save on visits.
  10. W

    Trip Report No Sounds Like Summer? We'll JOURNEY Anyway! *COMPLETED*

    It's not so much that I'm not buying it. I was wondering what possessed the mom to agree to her request. I was also wondering how big of a pool of embarrassment Em melted into as she witnessed the transaction. Let's just say Em didn't get the boldness gene that runs in Tuvalu's family.
  11. W

    Trip Report No Sounds Like Summer? We'll JOURNEY Anyway! *COMPLETED*

    Around the house we just call her Mom...
  12. W

    Trip Report It's Two, Two, TWO Trips in One! *COMPLETED*

    More than you will ever know!
  13. W

    Trip Report It's Two, Two, TWO Trips in One! *COMPLETED*

    There is a difference between being a Disney fan and, well....
  14. W

    Trip Report It's Two, Two, TWO Trips in One! *COMPLETED*

    Truth is that she'd go more often except there wouldn't be enough time to then to complete her trip reports.
  15. W

    Trip Report It's Two, Two, TWO Trips in One! *COMPLETED*

    Actually, I was thinking "Why this guy?"
  16. W

    Trip Report It's Two, Two, TWO Trips in One! *COMPLETED*

    Wait, I love that idea...a chance to actually make money off her obses...err...hobby.
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