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  1. WED99

    Once Upon a Toy gets Disney Infinity 2 days early AND a free character piece.

    Settle now SirLink. We all love Pete but you know better than to use the holy John's name in vain. I do agree though, I have no intention of buying a character (mainly because they're $20 each here in Australia). But if you think about it, is allowing players to use every character in certain...
  2. WED99

    Once Upon a Toy gets Disney Infinity 2 days early AND a free character piece.

    Sounds like some people are just a little half glass empty. It would be an easy fix though, just make the cities downloadable as Toy Box worlds. Hopefully Disney takes it on board because if this game doesn't do well then they'll stop adding content, not a good thing for a game with this model.
  3. WED99

    BLANK: A Vinylmation Love Story

    I couldn't find any discussion on this so I decided to start a thread, sorry if I'm re-posting. It was announced during the Disney Interactive panel at D23. Basically it's a series of online stop motion shorts made using vinylmations. Here's the trailer. I'm excited about these. I love when...
  4. WED99

    Once Upon a Toy gets Disney Infinity 2 days early AND a free character piece.

    That's where the toy box comes in. They can use Sully and Mike with Metroville toys and buildings in the toy box. However, if people are that desperate to use the monsters in a full Metroville city that they are prepared to slam the game for not allowing them to do that, then I'll make my own...
  5. WED99

    Once Upon a Toy gets Disney Infinity 2 days early AND a free character piece.

    I can understand where you are coming from. Please let me know what your review of the game is after you play it, I'll be interested to find out.
  6. WED99

    Once Upon a Toy gets Disney Infinity 2 days early AND a free character piece.

    I think you should look into it a little more, you might be pleasantly surprised. They have announced the dlc, 3 of them. As I mentioned earlier, the only similarity to Skylanders is the toys. With the starter pack you get 30 hours open world gameplay and the entire toy box with around 1000...
  7. WED99

    Once Upon a Toy gets Disney Infinity 2 days early AND a free character piece.

    Anyone who thinks this is a Skylanders clone hasn't learnt enough about the game to judge it. The only similarity it has to Skylanders is the figurines, that's it. Even if you took away that feature and all the Disney characters you still have a game that launches with 30 hours of fun open world...
  8. WED99

    What are you playing?

    Castlevania is another game I tend to stay away from, most likely for the same reason as Alan Wake, too dark. There's just something about colourful games (Borderlands, Minecraft, GTA V) that makes me want to play them. But I guess everyone is entitled to their own preferences.
  9. WED99

    Imagineering Documentary coming 2016

    I'm looking forward to this :D Pretty cool it's made by Ub Iwerks grand daughter too.
  10. WED99

    Disney Infinity - Which Console?

    I'm not fussed about the characters. I think mine will just be what comes with the play sets. I'm not prepared to pay $17 for a new character, I'd rather save the money for play sets so I can have 10 hours more gameplay.
  11. WED99

    What are you playing?

    I never did get Alan Wake, didn't even get it on Steam for $3 :confused: If you want a fun game just wait 10 days for Disney Infinity. I know it looks childish with toys and all but I think it looks like a great way to spend a few hours having fun. Can't wait :joyfull:
  12. WED99

    D23 Expo Theme Park News and Announcements

    Disney does have a past of doing uselessly expensive things...
  13. WED99

    Why a Land Themed to a Great IP Matters- Short Version

    I have a feeling the plan all along with Carsland has been that when that movie is outdated they simply do a little re-theming and change it to a Route 66 land.
  14. WED99

    Game of this Generation?

    Just don't finalize that list until GTA V comes out ;)
  15. WED99

    Test Track Post Show Car Purchase

    Hahaha, Creeper! Very creative, don'r stand too close but your insurance might not cover explosions :P
  16. WED99

    Glow with the show ears.

    They look cool when a bunch of people have them, but the reality is it just doesn't look like that. When I watched WoC a few months back I was surprised to see only about a dozen people in the entire crowd wearing them. The effect really requires at least 30% of the crowd to dish out the $20+...
  17. WED99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 1

    Guys, I'm not trying to argue here but can we at least try to follow the First Amendment rule (No posts on the main thread)? I know I'm technically breaking the rule now but someone had to remind you. Thanks.
  18. WED99

    What are you playing?

    If I were you I would download Vice City on your phone straight away (for iPhone) then get San Andreas on a PC. Not as good graphically as today but still excellent games.
  19. WED99

    What are you playing?

    San Andreas is definitely the best, I just think GTA IV is a worthy companion. My rank is... 1) San Andreas 2) Vice City 3) GTA IV 4) GTA 3
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