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  1. B

    Whats your favorite song off of a disney movie

    Definitely - When you Wish Upon a Star. I can't get through it dry - eyed. ( I used to think that it was "like a boat out of the blue")
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    MGM...not what it used to be!

    I totally agree with tinkerelle, RoR and ToT are great rides, but attractions for children have done a nosedive. There is very little besides shows for them to do now. The Roger Rabbit ride would sure be a great addition - even if poor old Roger is ancient history now.
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    Tikki Room Under New Management Needing its own renivation???

    Since the Tiki Room takes up comparitively little space, there is not a lot of other things that could be put in that area (besides another shop!!), and little or no room for expansion. Since it is one of Walt's few remaining attractions, I agree that it should stay.
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    Classic Attractions that never should have gone

    here's mine World of Motion Journey into the Imagination ( I still miss that song!) Horizons The Main Street Electrical parade - I still get chills when I hear the opening stanzas of the music!!
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    Tikki Room Under New Management Needing its own renivation???

    I couldn't agree more with Iago being supremely annoying. It would be a much better attraction without him. But I still like to stop there during the heat of the afternoon to see the fantastic Tiki God. I think that he/she is one of the best audio - animatronic figures in the park. It's too...
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    If you were Michael Eisner, what would you do with WDW?

    I would make hundreds of millions of dollars in stock options. Oh wait, sorry, I thought the questions was what did I do with WDW.
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    Tommorowland Changes

    I think that would be great!! The temporary stage just takes away from the whole retro/Tomorrowland/Jules Verne look and clogs up that nice big open area. Plus the unused Galaxy theater just looks sadly abandoned. I can still remember when they actually had shows there - why did they...
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    Pop Century is Far Out!

    Will all the "years" be opened by Spring?
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    Best Animatronic in a Magic Kingdom attraction...

    I would second the motion for that woman/god in the Tiki Birds. She/it is so lifelike that sometimes I find myself checking to see if there is a real person in there.
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    Attractions that don't belong...

    I believe that Food Rocks is being replaced by Soarin Over California. Since The Land has a food/ecology thing going, I'm not sure SOC is more appropriate, but I'm sure glad that it's coming!
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    April11th WDW News Update (WITH LOTS OF M:S INFO!!!)

    Thanks again for the update. The kosher food at Cosmic Ray's - will it be replacing some of their other entrees or just added to the menu. Please, please , please not the Beefsteak sandwich!!:wave: :wave:
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    4 Month Rehab for GMR

    Are they really replacing Fantasia? With what?
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    AP Passholder Lounge?

    Are the AP Passholder lounges in The Land and AK still in existence ? Those were so nice!!:) :)
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    Travel Channel November Schedule

    Chalk me up as another Samantha Brown fan. I think she's much more fun to watch than some of the self-important hosts on other cable shows. At least she's enthusiastic.
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    Disney Lottery

    Can't I buy my family an annual pass, pay for a week at the Grand Floridian, then donate the rest of the $14 mill to charity?
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    What do you always have to have when u go to WDW?

    I guess we all think alike: MK Dole Whip TTA Haunted Mansion Epcot Mexico Churros Spaceship Earth Studios Sci-Fi or Prime-Time Movie Ride no one thing sticks out as a must at AK
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    Eek! Lost my year pass!

    yes, we just came back (cool and rainy all week - but kept the crowds away) and the person in front of us at the guest services window at MK got new passes - it's all on computers, so they can check it out. Like WEDmagic says - just make sure you have a picture ID.
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    I saw Figment!

    From the picture, it looks like they used the original cars, just repainted them red.
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    Favourite Ride Music

    The most "unforgettable" would HAVE to be Small World, but my favorite is Splash Mountain
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    Which extinct attraction do you miss the most???

    Definitely Horizons. My favorite part was in the middle of the ride where you seem to be suspended in space, and the "orange" grove smell. I also miss the World of Motion and the Imagination ride. I sure hope they bring the song ( one Little Spark) back
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