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  1. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    If you were to edit out all references of the acquisitions of Marvel, Pixar and Lucas what does that really say for a company that was a world-wide leader of content creation? Imagination? Fun? >sigh< "If we buy it, they will come!"...
  2. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I would say the people who are buying the LE stuff online are probably people who are not able to get to the park to get it themselves or feel it is going to go out of stock before they get there. (God help them) Collectors prefer to buy them in the parks because that is part of the experience...
  3. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Not to mention how many different locations can they hit in one day and by the time they get back to the first one is the first CM on break or gone or remembers them or cares? lol
  4. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    What is crazy too is that people always assume "limited edition" means a set limited number produced. Nope. In the case of anniversaries and celebrations a "limited edition" means they will produce and sell as many as they can during that time. If they can sell a billion within an 18-month...
  5. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Gotcha...I was looking for the post and could not find it again for whatever reason. Sorry I just remembered something about a CM. Thanks for the clarification.
  6. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Since when has Disney been about Guest Service and not simply sales? I agree with what you are saying but these online stores are small fries compared to the money Disney has already made off of the merchandise. I think someone mentioned earlier it is ok if was CM doing it? If they use their...
  7. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    When you flood the market with "limited edition" items I hardly consider them "limited edition." I will admit there are some true limited edition items. I am not going to debate this but if you feel by something having the label "limited edition" on it makes it special you play right into...
  8. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I agree, but why would Disney care? They still make their money no matter what.
  9. Funmeister

    Universal need a worldclass show

    I think Disney has better in-park stage shows, but Universal has better in-park street entertainment. Do you consider the Blues Brothers show a "stage" show? I don't. I think the "pop-up" live shows are great. Disney does not have this in any comparable way. Do not say streetmosphere...can't...
  10. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Yeah, thought I would lighten the mood a bit.
  11. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Yes, I would expect to see this in Tiananmen Square but NOT Times Square!?!?!? This Disney/China problem is blowing UP! Dim sum just got real y'all! Edit: Posted as humor, not to mock...
  12. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I will admit I tend to ask for water at QSR locations. I will not ever allow mine or other people I know touch the water in any of the fountains or water play areas. I know there have not been any reported instances but like you said..."if you have seen what I have."
  13. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Also, for those who are "afraid" of public water fountains they can go to any Disney QSR and get a free cup of ice water. All they have to do is ask.
  14. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    More Disney IT outsourcing backlash. Where will this go? Probably nowhere.
  15. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Thanks for doing that. Let the fastest guest(s) win!
  16. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    It appears that IG is a little closer. If they allow guests to go towards Test Track and cut through the Odyssey to Mexico they may have a chance. They could also merge guests with IG traffic at Mexico. They could always put up a rope where both crowds merge and then let them go together. We had...
  17. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Anyone happen to know if the distance from International Gateway to Norway and the distance from the maingate to Norway are comparable? This could get really ugly at park opening. Edit: The way it is laid out they will probably funnel IG traffic into traffic from the maingate.
  18. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I agree but it is never too late to re-imagine the Cruise into something with more of a wow factor than what was planned in the 70's/80's. No point talking about it know and I know it will never happen. Remember when Disney made a big announcement that they would no longer stick...
  19. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    You forgot to add the Equatorial Africa watering hole "attraction" and more important the "Rhine River Cruise" in Germany. ;)
  20. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    This is a gem!
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